Colby Brock | Paranormal Sickness

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Summary: Children's orphanage video

Warnings: Strong language

Word count: 625

You, Sam, Elton, and Corey - had embarked on a thrilling adventure to explore the abandoned orphanage, cameras in hand, ready to capture any paranormal activity that might occur.

As you wandered through the decrepit halls, Sam pointed his camera at the various demonic graffiti covering the walls. "Oh my god," he exclaimed. "I have never seen so many demonic graffiti in an abandoned place."

Elton, his eyes scanning the dimly lit room, suddenly spoke up, "Is anyone else hearing that?"

"Hearing what?" you asked, your own senses on high alert.

"You don't hear like an Organ?" he pressed, a note of urgency in his voice.

At first, you didn't hear anything, but after a moment of concentrated listening, you finally caught it. "Yeah... yeah. I heard it," you confirmed, your heart racing.

Corey, meanwhile, was beginning to look increasingly distressed. "Bro, my eyes are playing tricks on me or something. I keep seeing this figure in front of me," he said, his eyes watering as he struggled to make sense of what he was seeing.

As you tried to comfort Corey and make sense of the strange organ music and the demonic graffiti, your head started to pound, and your vision began to blur. But despite the discomfort, you were determined to keep going, not wanting to miss any of the potentially paranormal activity that might be unfolding around you.

Colby, always attentive to your well-being, noticed your discomfort and whispered, "You okay?"

"Mhm. Just a headache," you replied, trying to downplay your symptoms. But Colby wasn't fooled, and he pulled you close to his side, holding your hand in a reassuring gesture.

Meanwhile, the others continued to argue and speculate about the strange occurrences happening around them. The eerie organ music, the demonic graffiti, and Corey's mysterious figure all added to the growing sense of unease in the group.

Finally, it was decided that it was time to find a way out of the abandoned orphanage. But just as you began to move towards the exit, you felt something tug at the back of your hoodie.

"Holy shit," you exclaimed, spinning around to see what had touched you.

"What happened?" Colby asked, his own eyes wide with concern.

"Something just fucking touched me," you said, your voice trembling slightly. "It wasn't one of you guys, was it?"

Sam shook his head, holding up the camera as proof. "No. I'm holding the camera, and there's no way we would play you like that."

You nodded, your mind racing as you tried to make sense of what had happened. "Damn," you muttered. "We should get out of here."

The relief of escaping the haunted orphanage was short-lived as another loud bang echoed from within its decrepit walls, sending a renewed surge of adrenaline through your veins. You and your friends wasted no time, practically sprinting through the forest, your footsteps crunching in the underbrush as you fled the building.

Finally, you reached the safety of the car and climbed inside. Panting, your heart still racing, you all exchanged glances, still unable to process everything you had experienced.

"Let's just go back to the hotel and figure it out," Sam suggested, starting the car. The engine roared to life, and as you pulled away from the orphanage, a sense of surreal calm washed over you.

You leaned your head against Colby's shoulder, his warmth and presence providing a much-needed comfort. As the adrenaline faded, your eyelids grew heavy, and you found yourself drifting off into a deep, dreamless sleep, the horrors of the orphanage fading into the recesses of your mind as you slipped into unconsciousness.

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