Evan Butka | Secretly Dating

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Summary: Elton, your brother invites you to one of his investigations. What he doesn't know is that you're secretly dating Evan, and he finds out.

Warnings: cussing

Word count: 835

As Elton's sister, you had a unique responsibility. Your brother was a seance expert, and you often found yourself helping to keep him on track. Despite the challenges, you loved him dearly.

However, you had a secret that was weighing on your mind: you were secretly dating his cameraman, Evan. Only Corey, a close friend, knew about the relationship, and you both had agreed to keep it under wraps. Elton could be quite protective, and you didn't want to risk causing any tension within the group.

One day, as you and Evan waited for Elton and Corey to finish negotiating the price of a room at an abandoned hotel, you laid on an old bed together, enjoying each other's company while you waited. You couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the thought of going on an investigation with your brother and his team, even if it meant having to hide your relationship with Evan.

Despite the challenges of keeping your relationship a secret, you knew that Elton's safety and well-being were your top priorities. You just hoped that you could maintain the delicate balance between your personal and professional lives without causing any harm to the close-knit group.

You broke the silence, voicing the question that had been weighing on your mind. "Do you think Elton knows about us?" you asked.

Evan hesitated for a moment, then met your gaze with a shrug. "It's always possible," he said, adjusting the camera.

"I think it's time we tell him," you said decisively. "I hate keeping this a secret. I want to be able to hold your hand or give you a hug without everyone thinking it's weird."

Evan's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you sure?" he asked, his voice betraying his own hesitation.

You nodded, feeling a sense of determination. "Yes, I am. I don't want to hide this anymore. Elton's my brother, and I trust him. He deserves to know the truth."

Evan considered your words, his expression softening as he saw the sincerity in your eyes. "Okay, then let's do it," he agreed, squeezing your hand. "We'll tell him together, and we'll hope for the best. But no matter what, we have each other, and that's what matters most."

You nodded, a plan forming in your mind. "Let's do it tonight," you said. "We could even make it into a prank or something."

Evan agreed, setting his camera down. "Sure, that sounds like fun."

As you and Evan continued to talk, the hours seemed to fly by. But suddenly, the door to the room opened, and you both sat up quickly.

Elton entered the room, his brow furrowed in confusion. "The desk lady said we were good to go. Is something going on in here that I should know about?"

You exchanged a glance with Evan, then took a deep breath. "We were planning on telling you later, but since you asked..." you began, your voice trembling slightly. "Evan and I have been dating."

Elton's eyes widened in surprise, and he let out a low whistle. "Damn, how long has this been going on?" he asked.

Before you could respond, Corey, Corbin, and Brandon burst into the room. Corbin let out a triumphant laugh. "I knew it! Brandon, you owe me 20 bucks!"

Elton shot a questioning look at you, and you couldn't help but laugh nervously at the sudden reveal. "Well, now you know," you said. "Surprise?"

Elton directed his attention towards Evan, his voice taking on a protective tone. "Listen, Evan," he said, fixing the cameraman with a serious gaze. "I'm trusting you to treat my sister with the utmost respect. You do anything to hurt her, and I'm coming after you, understand?"

Evan held up his hands in a gesture of surrender. "I promise, I won't do anything to hurt her," he said, meeting Elton's gaze with sincerity. "I care about her a lot. She means everything to me."

Elton's expression softened slightly, but he still looked Evan over with a protective glint in his eye. "Good. Then we shouldn't have any problems," he said, his tone still serious. "Just remember that I'm watching."

You couldn't help but smile at the display of brotherly love, and you reached out to take Evan's hand, offering him a reassuring squeeze. "Don't worry, Elton," you said. "We'll be fine."

Elton gave a resigned shrug, turning his attention towards Corbin and Brandon, who were still grinning widely. "Okay, you two, let's get back to business.

Thanks for the request! hope you liked it :))

i did change it just a little bit, so i hope u don't mind!

also on another note, please comment what other imagine book you'd be interested in! here are some that you might keep in mind

The Walking Dead
Criminal Minds
Greys Anatomy
The Vampire Diaries

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