Christmas Lights

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"Are you sure we need a Christmas tree?" Jess asked me again as we lugged a fairly small Christmas tree up the stairs to our new apartment.

I let out a heavy breath as we finally reached our door. "Of course we do!" I tell Jess as he unlocks the door. "How else are we gonna get presents? Plus, it's our first night in the apartment and it just so happens to be on Christmas Eve, we have to do it right."

"And, your family is coming over for Christmas tomorrow." He reminded me somewhat begrudgingly. My mum, Luke and the two Gilmores decided that they wanted a New York Christmas this year. So naturally, my mum made us give up our place for them to have a Christmas lunch.

We both carried the tree inside the small door frame and set it down in the centre of the room. The place wasn't big but it wasn't small either. When you walked thought the door you were immediately in the living room.

It was probably my favourite part of the whole apartment. Mainly because of the giant floor to ceiling bookcase. Sadly, they didn't make big or long bookcases, just really tall ones. So we had to get two. After quite a good amount of pestering, Jess had agreed to let me arrange the books by colour, so it made it a sight that pleased the eyes.

Next to the two tall bookcases, there was a slightly smaller shelf that held a stereo and all of our cds. The whole thing was filled up save for the space by the stereo. So when a person came into the apartment, they'd knew what our top priorities were.

There was a couch that sat between two large windows that showed us the view of the snow covered street below. Jess had said one couch wasn't enough for one apartment so we added a single sad armchair a few feet away from it. Both of the furniture facing where the tv would go. We'd have to pick it up tomorrow.

However, on the left side of the room was the joint kitchen. It wasn't anything fancy, just some tiled walls along with the necessary utilities. Although we were missing a pan, we'd have to grab that tomorrow along with the tv. In front of the kitchen was a seat seater table that was covered in a red table cloth, ready for tomorrow's lunch.

All that was left was the bathroom that went between the two bedrooms. The bigger one obviously went to Jess and I, the other would be a guest room or an extra space to keep our books when the space on the shelf was used up.

I go into the kitchen and grab some water for the two of us. "It's not only my family," I corrected Jess as he moved the tree into a suitable corner. "Your mum is coming too."

Over the years Jess and I had known each other, I still haven't met his mum yet. So I thought this would be a good time to invite her over. Again, after a lot of persuading, he agreed.

"She probably won't show up," he told me confidently. I handed him a glass of water and we both sat down on the couch.

I look up at him and smile. His once long hair had been cut into a shorter look that still went well with his face. "But you still asked her right?"

"Yes," he sighed out, "I did ask her."

We both turn toward the empty space where the tv would go. Sitting in silence, we just stared at the space as if there were an imaginary tv there.

"We should really get one soon," I told him as he nodded in agreement beside me.

He nudged my shoulder lightly with his to grab my attention. "Wait here," he told me before getting up and heading into our shared room. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, not knowing what he was doing.

After a few minutes of me thinking what he could possible be doing, Jess came back with his hands behind his back. "Do you have the Sigur Rós album I've been looking for?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

CHERRY. [JESS MARIANO]Where stories live. Discover now