As You Wish

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The knock at the door startled me from my peaceful sleep on the couch. I looked around, hoping to see my mum home but she wasn't. I had fallen asleep while watching a movie. Despite it only being twelve in the afternoon I was already feeling sleepy. Maybe if I ignored them, the person at the door would go away.

Another knock rang through the house, making me groan. I get up and pull down my sweater. I stretch a bit before heading to open the door. My mind was still a bit hazy from my sleep so I thought that Luke was a hallucination when I opened the door. He rarely ever came to our house unless it was important.

"Luke, hey." I rub my eyes sleepily. "Am I working today?"

He stood there awkwardly with his hands clasped in front of him. His usual baseball hat was on his head and he wore a dark green jacket.

He shook his head as he answered me. "Um, no I just wanted to ask you something."

"Okay, why don't you come in?" I invite him in as I remember my hospitality.

We both stood in the living room. Luke looked around nervously as if he was waiting for a clown to pop up. "My mums not home, she went to the store."

"Yeah, I saw her earlier. I actually wanted to talk to you," he explains as nod.

"What do you need?"

Luke shuffled his feet. "It's about Jess."

I tilt my head at the mention of him. "Is he okay?"

He waved his hand to say that it was nothing to be worried about. "He's fine. But he's getting held back in school. I just need someone to tutor him."

"And you came to me why?"

"Well, since you're doing well in school and you and Jess are friends, I thought you could tutor him." Luke tells me hoping that I would agree.

"I would help you but I don't think he'll listen," I said.

Luke sighs. "Between you, me and an actual teacher, I think we both know who he's most likely to listen to."

I think through my options in my head. Luke was right, with my help Jess could maybe learn something. But I don't think I'm that great of a teacher. Granted, I taught my mum some good music but I don't think that's the same as teaching someone how to do trigonometry.

But what could possibly go wrong. Worst case scenario he doesn't learn much and we still spend some time together. Best case scenario, he actually does well in school.

"Alright," I begin as Luke grins at my agreement. "When do we start?"

"How about tonight?"

That was fast. I agreed anyways. "Okay, I'll see you there."

Luke makes his way toward the open door. "Thanks, Cassie. I owe you one."

"No problem," I wave as he heads back to the diner.

I close the door behind me as I head up to my room. Better prepare for tonight.


"You want more coffee?" My mum stalls as she takes a glance in my empty mug.

Luke's diner was still bustling with some customers from the early night outside. Some were eating and some were just talking. I didn't understand why they wouldn't just go home.

I shake my head at her. "I'm good."

"How about some pie?" She asks again, not eager to leave me.

"Mum," I whine out. "We'll be fine."

She looks at me with a grimace on her face. "I know, just remember what I told you."

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