And She's Down

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( HEyoooo!!! Welcome to the first chapter of this Nezuko x Kanao fanfic. Hopefully it makes sense, idk buttt!!! I really wanted to make a girl x girl with a cute plot so yeah!!! Don't drown!! First things first sorry for any spelling errors hope you enjoy kk byeeeeeee!!!)

Nezuko's POV

Walking along the paved path towards the inevitable bane of my existence, I pick up the pace leaving my older brother running far behind me.

The morning sun shown beautifully on the surrounding shrubbery and flora, the early morning dew just beginning to fade away. We were late, again. But I mean what could you except when we practically raised all of our siblings along with our wonderful mother. 

School has always been stressful and boring. No one talked to me. It was as if I didn't even have a voice of my own. I didn't exist! I was nothing without my brother...I was generally just coined as 'Tanjiro's little sister' or ' the quiet girl from the bakery'!!! Now I don't hold anything against Tanjiro and it's not really entirely his fault but could you blame me if I did. He always talks over mean and speaks for as if I'm not a human with a voice of my own, as if he was my voice....

 I won't tolerate just being another one of 'Tanjiro's siblings' 

Since Dad died Mom decided it would be best if we moved location, that included changing schools. She said it was getting gloomy in that old house and that we needed something fresh, a new start. And she might have been right. This time I can make my own friends, this time I can carry myself the way I'd like to and this time I can have fun!! 

Huffing I ran towards the school gate, the thought making itself at home in my mind. Smiling brightly I take the first step onto the school grounds the sun shining brighter than ever before, I feel a weight lift off my shoulders.

This might be the perfect opportunity for me to step out of my brothers shadow an-

A brute force hit my head shoving me down towards the pavement.

I barely manage to stick my hands out before my face hits the ground. 

"Now what kind of asshole-"

Looking up a very delicate hand is reached out to me. 

The sun shines down illuminating the beautiful women in front of me....

She has gorgeous long ebony hair tied up into a slick side ponytail clipped up with an even prettier butterfly bow. Even her dark purple eyes shone brightly, she truly was beautiful. Before I'd even realized it I reached out my hand to accept the ethereal girls in front of me.

After she saw I was standing upright she gave me a slight nod and smile before walking away.

Shit I didn't even get to thank her....

I feel so bad now-

I turn my gaze to the left my eyes immediatly falling upon a yellow haired boy on the verge of crying holding a clipboard very securely in his grasp, and beside him was....a very muscular looking girl?

The yellow haired boy bows apologizing profusely apparently on the other person's behalf. Which gives my overprotective helicopter of a Brother enough time to catch up. 

Grabbing the yellow haired boy by the shoulder I upright him dusting off his clothes shooting a glare at the pissed off girl beside him. I wonder if this yellow boy is her boyfriend? Maybe that's why she decided to use me as a springboard on my first day, what a bitch.

"Now then,"

I feel my brother's presence appear quickly behind me. I sense a shift in the air, he's obviously pissed, hopefully this doesn't ruin my first impression. Tanjiro's always in my business would it kill him to butt out once in a while! 

Reaching out my hand to the now shaking boy I'm able properly introduce myself.

"I'm Kamado Nezuko and your name is?"

Authors Note

I'm not sure if this is a popular ship or not, or if it even exists. BUTTTTTT I hope you enjoyed sorry for any spelling errors and yeah bye byeee!!! 

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