Who's That?

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(Wasssuppp and welcome back!!! Here's the second chapter. Eat some food drink some water idk...Annyyywayysss vibes~ enjoy the newest chapter!!!!! I'm getting MAULED BY MY CATTTTT!!! Ahhhhh he's eating my handssssss!!!I'm sorry I like low key died and was swamped with school stuff so none of my fanfics have been updated in a while.)

Nezuko's POV:

As I introduce myself I attempt to ignore the vengeful aura from behind me. God I can feel the sweat pooling in this dudes hands I wanna pull away so bad!

"Nezuko, who's this?"

Looking from the shaking boy to the arrogant girl I give them a soft smile before turning to face my brother.

"Oh hello, Tanjiro!" I say feigning a happy tone. I mean what he doesnt know wont kill him, can't say as much for the other two though.

"These two were just offering to show me around, since I'm new and all. Isn't that nice!!" not as nice as it would be if you left me alone though.

His face immediatly relaxes as he goes to greet the two people in front of us the ominous feeling in the air fading to nothing. 

"Oh hello there I'm Tanjiro Kamado! Nice to meet you!"

Of course he steps in front of me to introduce himself in his bright and loud manner but I persist smiling just as brightly at the now star struck couple.

Taking a moment to compose himself the blonde greets him in return the blue hair one reluctantly waving in response. 

" Zenitsu Agastuma, student council president it's nice to meet you Kamado." he says brightly.

"Hashibira, Inosuke." the other huffs out.

The calming air around the exchange disappears with a quiet jingle of earrings. The blondes head jerks towards the creation of the sound, face turning cold and menacing. 

"Those earrings are against the schools formal code, as the student council president and the dresscode check I have to ask you to remove them." 

I immediately stiffen at the mention of his earrings quickly taking a look over at my brother.

With a now soft smile he seems almost unfazed, lUckY mE~ my brother won't start a fight today. Not that I'd wanna stop him, if he wishes to tarnish his reputation on the first day of school that's not my problem. I'll let him do as he pleases.

"Sorry Zenitsu I cannot do that, these are an heirloom given to me by my dead father right before he passed." and that's the last I saw of my brother before he went running in the opposite direction. 

"But your a nice person you'll let me wear them won't you!" The boy stood silently clearly displeased but not making any move to stop him. In the end his eyes fall upon me again and he smiles. 

"I'm sorry for the discourtesy it was wonderful to meet you, since I might be a little preoccupied with getting my ass kicked by our wonderful gym teacher here's the map for the school, the build can be very confusing."

And that's all he said before taking off in the direction of my brother a strange man in a blue tracksuit not too far behind him.

"Sorry but it's against the dress code and no matter how nice I am, it's my job as the student council president to enforce the rules!" 

Sighing contently I watch the 3 figures disappear into the distance.

"but I'll let you off just this once!"

The blue haired girl stood in front of me the awkward silence growing loud by the second.

" See you around, Henzuko Kamaboko" and she bolts off as well. 


"But that's not my name..."

Blinking a few times I try to register the situation properly but in the end quickly began my walk towards the school building. 


A Little While Later


Leaning up against the wall I feel myself growing lightheaded, seriously how confusing could they have made these hallways, and I'm pretty sure I heard some explosions going off a few doors down too! What the hell could be exploding in a school?This is so disorienting I'm gonna die! Probably from starvation if I can't even find the cafeteria, if I would just let my stupid pride go this once and ask my brother-

NO Nezuko! You GOT THIS!! OKAy I got this we got this!

Straightening my skirt and tie I push my fist into the pockets of my skirt grabbing out the schools map. YOu know whAt, sincerely fuck the person who designed this map.

Not only is nothing labeled or highlighted but there just so happens to be random lines leading you to no specific location and all the lines are the same gosh darn color! HOw Am I going to find my way anywhere if the map is more confusing than the halls in front of me. Honestly I'd have more luck finding class rooms in my sleep, like a physic power or something or maybe like sensing my way there like a superhero!

Gripping my hands together tightly and closing my eyes I attempt to sense my way through the halls.

Too bad I don't have some kind of guide, goddam that blonde! Who the hell could understand a map like this!

'YEs So you FOllow THe 35th BRown LIne to the equally brown dot to the 20th UNlabeLEd CLassroom and you SHould be There!!'

"excuse me?"

"OK look on the bright side! If worse comes to worse at least the bathrooms? They were right by the front doors!! You can always hideout there for the rest of the day!"

"Excuse me?"

"What will I tEll MOm?? OH yes I did make a lot of friends today.... I mean if unflushed shits and shredded toilet paper count!!

"Excuse Me?"

"Oh god but where are the front doors?!"

"Pardon me?"

"I've taken so may turns I don't even remember where-"

A cold smooth hand is placed onto my shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts.

"excuse me, but what are you doing?"

Authors Note

( I'm alive thank god!!! And seriously fuck school I swear its dragged me through hell knocking my head against every rock on the way! I seriously thought I had my entire body in the grave maybe already buried I had already picked out my funeral flowers. Maybe I'm over exaggerating a little but whatever! Hope y'all had a nice day byeeeeeeee!!!!!!

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