Chapter One: It's All About The Angles

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The cold empty shelves seemed to mock me as I reluctantly continued on my quest to restock the magazines. It was nearing the end of the day and I had been debating if I could really continue doing this same task for the past half an hour.

Just suck it up- you have 22 minutes left of your shift and then you can finally escape the hell hole of the supermarket.

The bright, irritating fluorescent lights had some sort of nausea effect on me- the pounding headache not making it any better.

Isn't there some sort of study that shows a negative correlation between fluorescent lights and likeliness a customer will purchase something. Obviously, I was the only person who thought this, as the lady who brushed past me and took a paper, and then proceeded to place it somewhere other than its original space, seemed to care little about anything it seemed.

Sure, lady. It's not like I'm doing my job and you are literally undoing my hard work.

But before I could voice my highly necessary opinions, the cover of the tabloid in my hand distracted me.

There, looking like the ever-handsome man that he knew he was my best friend.

The one and the only- Noah Ryder.

I could lie and say that when we first met, I was as cool as a cucumber. But as I said- that would be a lie. I mean, when you meet someone that you only saw on the TV it's kind of hard to know how to act. However, once I realised how much of a buffoon he could be- well I guess I liked hanging around with him.

So much so that he was my boyfriend for a period of time, where he made me fall so deep in love with him that it took awhile for me to recover.

But now it's all normal- not awkward. Think Ted and Robin in 'How I Met Your Mother'. Except without all the yearning for each other. It's ancient history. Promise.

This particular photo however, did not do him any favours. Sure, he still looked like how you imagine a Hollywood star to look like. His tanned skin glowing, eyes bright and toned body defined. But all the good looks in the world would not make the flattering angle of eating a burger attractive.

Never one to miss an opportunity, I hastily grabbed the magazine. Not in such a way that the annoying woman would think I was crazy- but maybe in a manner that one does not normally see from someone who had been stocking the same shelf for probably an eternity. So, probably crazy. The psychotic gleam in my mind probably echoed the similar stares that you would see from the bad guy in the movie just before his plan begins to unfurl.

Definitely crazy. But this was irrelevant. What was important was the fact that I had a golden opportunity to once again make Noah's life a tad bit miserable.

Man, I have to start paying more attention. How did I nearly miss this gem?

Snapping a picture of the gift that is the beautiful photo, I texted Noah-

'I think they found your good side- don't worry.' -C

Not expecting a reply, owing to Noah's inability to text, I put the phone in my pocket. Only to be surprised when it buzzed not once- but twice my friend. It seems like I am just a wee bit popular.

The first was from my boyfriend of about a year and a half, Clark. This I guiltily ignored as I saw that Noah had replied, and for obvious reasons his reply was more exciting than what we were having for dinner tonight.

If Emma heard me say that she would probably wholeheartedly disagree- but she didn't so all is good.

'I happen to think that whoever that dashing young man is- he is the most handsomest man on the planet- no matter the angle ;)'- N

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