Chapter Five: Weddings Are No Big Deal

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The day after the draining double date, Emma came round to my flat for coffee. One of the things that I had to get used to was going from the closest of friends to barely finding time to see each other.

But today she came with purpose, it was the day before her wedding, and we were making all the preparations to head back to our hometown later today where the wedding would be held. The idea of the green fields and small, ancient buildings seemed so far from the cleanly painted grey walls of my apartment. I used to think that I had two personas because of the contrast- one for cosmopolitan Charlotte and the other for hometown Charlotte.

Clark had never met the country side of me and he wouldn't see much of her this week either as he had an important meeting with a client or something so I was driving both me and Emma whilst Theo went with his band and Noah to keep the two separated before the big event.

Tradition and all that jazz.

Now, normally I'm a cynic who at times thinks that happiness is only something that exists in dreams or fiction. Then, I look at how Emma and Theo fit together like a pair of gloves- or something cheesy like that.

But I was there when Emma nearly destroyed herself over their relationship. How unstable it was to form what it is today. How much commitment it took.

And they were lucky. So many people risk everything for a spark only to have water chucked over them.

But still, I was happy for my friend. Slightly envious, but happy.

However, seeing how much of a nervous wreck Emma was right now made me reconsider ever wanting to get married.

'But what if there is a fire- or I accidentally have my hair tie on my wrist for all of the photos! Oh God Char- I don't think I can do this. Can I cancel?' Emma asked, her coffee cup long forgotten as she took to pacing in front of me.

I felt like I was watching a tennis match the amount my head was swaying side to side observing her.

'Em- calm down. You and Theo are practically born for each other. I'll make sure that you don't have a hair tie near you at all, and you sure as hell can't cancel because I can't return that bridesmaid's dress.' I replied calmly. Years of helping Emma during her stressed times made me an expert on how to soothe her.

'But what if there's a fire?'

'Well then I'll make sure that Noah has an extinguisher on hand at all times. And that he is nowhere near anything that could cause a fire.' I added for good measure, just picturing the guy accidentally creating chaos.

'Ok, ok. Are you sure everything will be fine?' Emma asks once more, stopping her pacing to stare me straight in the eye.

I stand up from my spot on the sofa so that I am nearly eye level with her. Placing my hands reassuringly on her shoulders I say-

'Em, all is right in the world. You're marrying your best friend- nothing is going to go wrong.'

That seems to do the trick as she joins me back on the couch, hands back to cradling her mug. Once her breathing had calmed down, she began to speak;

'You know whilst Theo is my best friend, so are you. Thanks for that Char- I needed that.' Emma whispers, as we both stare at my dull, grey walls.

'But even if I am your best friend- Theo got there first with marrying you. Damn my ten-year plan failed.' I joked, playing with my hair in between my fingers.

'There's always Noah...'Emma responds, a sly grin in her eye and she takes in my reaction.

'Em- that will never happen. We tried it, remember? and it took a toll on both of us. Like you and I, me and Noah are better off as friends. Besides- I'm dating Clark. You know the guy with the stable job, who stuck around despite me completely failing at life.' I reasoned, avoiding meeting Emma's eye as I scanned the room.

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