Chapter 9.1

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His latest nightmare had put Harry on guard even more than usual. If Voldemort was still in his wraith form, how could he have tortured Wormtail? No, things had changed and even Dumbledore's cryptic answers seemed to be warning him to be careful. The Headmaster had been quiet when Harry asked him about the dream, offering confirmation that yes, Voldemort was getting stronger, but nothing else of substance. What am I to do? Harry had wanted to ask, but held himself back, knowing that he would get no answer besides a sad, sympathetic smile.

Hermione was uncharacteristically silent after he told her about his conversation with Dumbledore.

"I don't like this. Not at all. A clear threat we can deal with... but Voldemort lurking in the shadows and growing stronger in your nightmares? I don't know how to protect you from that."

Harry laughed, momentarily freed from his turmoil. "While I appreciate the thought, there's no need for you to protect me. You don't always have to be my knight in shining armour, Hermione."

"Why not?" Hermione put her hands on her hips. "You protect me and I'll protect you—I think that's a fair deal."

"All right," Harry held up his hands in mock surrender. "But we can worry about Voldemort later. The third task is tomorrow."

With the way she made him revise all thirteen lists and duel against her for two hours straight before she deemed it acceptable to return to the dorms, Harry doubted her concerns were alleviated.


The next day at breakfast, McGonagall informed him that the champions' families were congregating in a chamber down the hall.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked.

"What if it's the Dursleys?" Harry's stomach churned unpleasantly at the idea of seeing them here. "I don't have any other family besides Sirius."

Her expression hardened. "Well, if it is your aunt and uncle, I have a few words I'd like to exchange with them."

"Hey! You have a History of Magic exam in ten minutes!" Harry yelled after Hermione who had already gotten up and was striding towards the chamber McGonagall had mentioned.

Thankfully, the Dursleys weren't in the room; instead, Mrs Weasley and Bill greeted him with warm smiles. Harry's responding grin faded when he noticed the sharp glance Mrs Weasley threw Hermione's way as she gave her a stiff "Hello."

He was reminded of Easter and the way Hermione's face had turned downcast at the tiny chicken-sized egg she had received from Mrs Weasley in comparison to Harry's giant, dragon-sized one. By that time, he had already developed a heavy disdain for anyone who had sent those cruel letters because of a stupid tabloid article. This was a different crueltyone that Harry remembered facing often as he was slighted in his childhood—and it stung to see it targeted at his best friend, especially when it came from someone he had always respected.

"Mrs Weasley, you didn't believe that rubbish Skeeter article about Hermione and me, did you? Hermione has been nothing but the best of friends to me."

"Ohthat is" She stammered, turning a bit pink in the face. "No, of course not!"

"I'm glad," he took Hermione's hand and squeezed lightly. "It's terrible enough that strangers were sending hate mail and curses to a fifteen-year-old girl over lies in a gossip rag, but you know Hermione and her character too well from how much she's done for me and Ron to ever believe that nonsense."

"Yes, yes, of course, dear. Never doubted that." She gave Hermione a strained smile.

Bill tried to diffuse the tension. "Where is Ron, now that you mention it?"

"Going to Binns' class, I suppose." Harry shrugged, not sure if he should let the Weasleys know about the shaky state of his and Ron's friendship.

Although neither of them had talked to each other for months now, it had more to do with Harry forgetting about the matter and busying himself with studying and preparations rather than any petty grudge from the Yule Ball. Ron had never approached him or apologized after their argument and Harry couldn't be bothered to go out of his way and try to fix things.

Still, the Weasleys had been nothing but kind to him all these years and they had come all the way to show him support. He wasn't about to throw that back in their faces.

Hermione slapped her forehead and groaned: "Oh, no! The exam!"

Harry struggled not to chuckle as Hermione muttered an apology and ran out of the room at lightning speed.

"Thank you for coming, both of you. I truly appreciate it." He said instead, turning towards the Weasleys to make small talk for a while before he decided to take his leave as well.

By the time evening arrived and Harry was confronted with the vast, sprawling maze in the Quidditch field, the twisting feeling in Harry's stomach had returned in full force.

Somewhere in the audience stands, he knew Hermione was watching, probably even more nervous than he was. I'm ready for this. I've practiced. I've prepared myself.

Bagman called out his name to enter: "Three—two—one—"

He thought of the mystery person who had put his name in the Goblet, Dumbledore and Sirius telling him to be careful, the human dummy being sliced and falling apart on the floor, and Hermione whispering, "You have to survive, Harry. No matter what."

He took a deep breath and stepped inside the maze.

Merlin help whoever stands in my way.

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