Red Haired Shanks (Pt. 1)

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3rd Person

Everyone is now watching, from a distance, a young raven-haired boy holding a sharp object up to his face. Looking down from the tall mast, the boy also known as Luffy, felt as though doing such a thing would prove him worthy to become a pirate.

What an idiot...

"I'M BEING SERIOUS. I WILL DO IT." Young Luffy screamed. Making heads turn towards the commotion. "Haha, go ahead, no one is stopping you." Laughed Shanks, thinking it's just a prank Luffy thought of from being bored.

Luffy's hands brought up the knife and stabbed deep into his skin. "OWWWW" Luffy yelped in pain. " YOU DUMBASS," Shanks screamed out a few moments after.

"I knew it, that cut was too precise for it to be an accident." Sighed Law.

Everyone sweatdropped at the scene that had taken place, a few chuckled at the boy. "Damn Luffy, I didn't think you were this dumb." Spatted out Ace.

"Oh trust me, it gets better." Shanks laughed, remembering the events that are about to take place.

After some laughs and mocking, everyone's attention was brought back by the sudden change of scene. Now in a bar filled with drunk pirates celebrating Luffy's bravery.

" That didn't hurt at all..." Luffy said, trying to hold back tears on the brim of his eyes. "LIER." Shanks spatted. "You could've lost an eye if you had gone deeper." He added as he playfully bonked the boy's head.

On the bottom of Luffy's right eye, to where he stabbed at, held a white bandage. "Don't do such a stupid thing, what will you do if that cut was a bit higher, huh?" Shanks question while sipping on his beer. " But I'm serious, I'm not afraid of pain!" Luffy answered. "Let me come with you on your next voyage. I wanna be a Pirate too!"

Shanks laughed. "As if you could be a pirate, you'll sink to the bottom of the ocean. Anchorrr-" Shanks tried teasing him only to be hit in the face with a rag by Makino.

"I WON'T! I'll just stay on the boat.

" I would've believed you, only if you hadn't been thrown off the Sunny more times than I can count." Facepalmed Nami, then glaring daggers at Chopper, Brook, and Luffy. "And that's not a reason for you guys to save him! Y'all ate Devil Fruits as well, remember."

"Yeah, then I had to fetch ALL of y'all out. It was such a pain in the ass." Sighed Sanji.

'Never have I heard of Devil Fruit users try saving a drowning person before'. Everyone that overheard their little conversation thought.

And I'm a good fighter too, my punches are as strong as pistols!" Luffy said while punching the air to make a more dramatic effect.

" No kidding. Don't wanna get hit with one of those again." Usopp mumbled while cupping his face in his hands. " Ha, don't tell me that this squirt can actually do some damage?" Whitebeard asked. "Trust me, his punches can really pack a punch" Usopp sweatdropped. "Don't underestimate Luffy, He's not as weak. If he were, he wouldn't be my Captain so to say." Zoro proud to say he didn't waste his time with some wack-ass Pirate crew.

"We'll see exactly how strong he is later, but now let's get back to the matter at hand." Shanks said waiting to see what's gonna happen next.

"Yeah righttt." Shanks said enthusiastically, giving Luffy a side-eye. "WHAT'S WITH THE ATTITUDE??!"

"I'm only messing with you Luffy. Now calm down and have some juice." Shanks laughed, sliding over a glass of orange juice. "OH, thanks, Shanks!" Luffy thanked him before chugging down the beverage. "HAHAHA, I KNOW NOT ONE PIRATE THAT DRINKS JUICE." Shanks said while slapping the table.

"THAT WAS A CHEAP TRICK!" Luffy yelled.

Nami sighed at the sight of her Captain being childish. But yet again, he always is. "Yeah Luffy, you gotta drink booze if you wanna be a man." Zoro manages to say before being struck in the head by Sanji's foot.

"Damn Marimo. Not everything is about booze. Plus he's too young." Sanji said while blowing out a puff of smoke. "Oh yeah, you wanna go Ero-Cook." Zoro said, gaining a few tick marks.

"Bring it on, booze for brains," Sanji said only to be hit in the head by Nami. "Calm down you two. This is more important than the two of you fighting. Nami said, making sure they understood. Especially Zoro.

"Shishishishi. This is why I love you guys." Luffy laughed before rocketing towards them. "W-wha- LUFF-" Both Zoro and Sanji got tackled to the ground by Luffy.

"What nice people, huh." Sabo said while taking a seat next to Ace. "Yeah, but they seem to be almost too close." Pouted Ace

"You jealous-yoi?" Marco asked with a smirk formed on his lips. Looking at both of them with lazy eyes. " ... no comment." Both Ace and Sabo said, pouting, feeling their cheeks get red.

"Okeyy~. But be ready to be teased" Shanks chuckled, when he noticed Marco walking over to the two boys. "Oh and Marco. Join my crew." Shanks stated rather than asked. "Never, Red Haired idiot-yoi." Marco said as he closed his eyes, feeling a bit tired.

Luffy, after having a fit, went up to Ben Beckmen. The first mate of the Red-Haired Pirates. "Look Luffy, he isn't letting you come with us because your not strong. Well, kinda. But it's because we are heading towards the New World. And that's no place for a child like you." Ben said trying to reassure him.

"But he always teases me!" Luffy said with a cup of juice in his hand. "Hey Anchorrr~" Shanks whispered/yelled across the bar to where they are.


Right then, the bar door was slammed open. Letting a group of Mountain Bandits enter. " I heard this place have some good liquor." The Leader of the group said as he walked in, with the rest behind, following him.

"Let's get around, how bout it?"



AHHH, I'm finally finished! Now I'm gonna watch some Netflix and... eat some ice cream cause I'm lonely.😠❤️ Be sure to leave some comments and votes. Please tell me if the story is going the wrong way.☺️ Also, this is only part one for Red-Haired Shanks. Be readyyy-

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