Enter: Portgas D. Ace

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Right after the cloaked man disappeared, everyone got themselves situated and try to get comfortable. Some started to talk with others, despite being pirates and under a different flag.

Ace and Sabo walked up towards their younger sibling so they can have some brotherly time together. But Luffy was too busy being held back by the Straw Hats to even acknowledge them.

"Damnit Luffy! Sto-op moving!" Ussop said, holding onto Luffy's right arm.

"But look at all that meeeaatt!" Luffy said with sparkly eyes and drool coming down from his mouth. Staring at the hoard of meat on the countertops.

"Enough! You gotta wait till it's ready and cooked." Sanji said, kicking Luffy's head.

Both Ace and Sabo sweatdropped at the scene but chuckled nonetheless.

"Yo Luffy." Ace yelled out with a hand cupping the side of his mouth.

Luffy, after rubbing his head from the kick, turns to the voice and smiles widely.

"Wanna chat while we wait?" Sabo suggested with the same grin plastered on his face.

All three brothers went to a table that was still near the kitchen area. Talking about what things need to be explained. Mostly about what happened to Sabo.

Meanwhile, at the kitchen, Sanji was switching at the group of people and the kitchen. Looking as if he's deep in thought.

'It'll take a while for me to finish making the food, especially with this group of people... how can I go about this?' Sanji thought.

"You know, if ya need help, I could give you a hand." A voice behind broke him from his thinking.

Sanji turned to see Thatch, fourth division commander of the Whitebeard pirates. And one hell of a cook.

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Sanji smiled. "Thanks, I could use the help. My hands were full with just Luffy being here. Him with his endless stomach." He laughed, rolling up his sleeves and handing Thatch a set of knives.

"Heh, no kidding. Not to mention his brother, bet he could eat a whole house." Thatch joked, gladly excepting the knife and got to work.

Both started cooking, no matter how you look at it, both cooks looked as if they knew what they were thinking. They complemented each other quite nicely.

After taking a look at the food, seeing that it was nearly ready, Zoro sat near Shanks and both started to drink together. A few including Marco, Mihawk, Rayleigh, and Whitebeard joined in.

For some reason, Shanks still hasn't noticed Rayleigh. So once he sat down next to him, he choked on his beer, pounding on his chest to keep from dying.

"Damn kid, it's nice to see you too." Rayleigh said sarcastically.

"O-old ma- I mean, Rayleigh-San!!? Why in the world are you doing here!?" Shanks asked after regaining his composure.

'Better not piss off the guy' Shanks thought as he watched Rayleigh's eyes showed annoyance, but quickly softens.

Rayleigh smiled as he told him. "Cause I'm the one who taught the brat Haki." He looked over to see Luffy laughing with his brothers. "And I have grown fond of him. Reminds me of you back in the good old days."

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