- chapter 1 -

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I've never had a great home life. Ever. My parents died when I was very young and ever since then my little brother, Arlo, and I have been passed around like a blunt at a frat party, I've lost track of how many foster homes we've been in.

On my 15th birthday I decided I'd had enough. All I wanted was to give my little brother a good life, or at least a few precious moments that he could enjoy and look back to. He was the only person who truly cared for me, even if he was only 11 years old. We always looked out for each other because we knew that nobody else would.


One day after school, I stayed back a bit in the library after the last bell had rung because I was researching when it would be possible for be to become my brother's legal guardian, when I came across this ad that said, "Rim of the World Adventure Camp." Me being myself, I was curious so I clicked on it and it took me straight to the website.

I must have been looking through it for hours because the librarian had to come up to tell me to go home because she was closing. I looked at the clock and it read 5:34 p.m.

"Uh oh."

I said goodbye to her, a really nice lady if I must say, she smells like baby powder. I ran straight home, not even looking back, because I knew what was waiting for me once I opened the door.

Once I had arrived I slowly took out my keys and opened the door even slower to not make a single sound. But with my luck once I had fully stepped inside and closed the door, I was met with a slap to the face.

"And where the hell have you been?" asked Mark, my foster dad, he reeked of cheap beer and cigarettes. Before I could even fully open my mouth to answer, I had already been pushed down to the floor. He kept kicking me on my side, I could feel my ribcage start to bruise. Thankfully he walked away once he heard our neighbors go outside.

"Delilah?" I could hear a little voice ask. Arlo.

"Arlo, I'm okay, it's fine, just go back to your room." I said before Mark could take his anger out on him. Even though I didn't look fine at all, my face stained with tears and my mouth red from coughing up blood.

I got up and walked him to my room. I knew he wouldn't want to sleep alone after witnessing that. I told him he could sleep with me. He stayed put on the bed while I went to the bathroom to change and clean myself up.

As I pulled up my shirt I could see the huge bruise I had on the left side of my torso. Yikes. I knew it wouldn't be of much help but I put some numbing cream on it then I wrapped a bandage around it. I then washed my face and changed into my pajamas. As I entered my room once again, I noticed Arlo was already asleep, even if it wasn't that late. I hopped into bed and laid next to him. I pulled out my phone and went back to looking through the camp website. I looked at Arlo once again. I knew I shouldn't leave him alone with our bastards of foster parents, but I just wanted to be able to enjoy something for once. I knew that when I got there I HAD to look for a way out for both of us. So then, I made my decision once and for all.


I told Arlo about it, he was happy that at least one of us was getting away but he kept reminding me to look for way for BOTH of us to be able to leave. I told him that I would. I felt really bad leaving him but the kid is one of the strongest people I know, he will get by just fine. I left him my phone number written down just in case of anything.

It was finally the last day of school and I happily ran back home. Usually, I would be miserable on the last day because it meant that I just had to stay stuck at home with my foster parents for 2 whole months, which sucks. But not this time, this time I was overjoyed because the next day I would be on a bus far away from that shitty household that I'm supposed to call "home."

"𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐁𝐞" - 𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐖حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن