9. Madly attracted to you

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The conference turns out to be really interesting. It makes becoming a teacher trainer sound so much fun that Rory and I agree we are going to take the Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - also called Delta, which is the qualification needed to become a CELTA trainer. Not immediately, sure, because it's damn expensive and takes up a lot of time, but someday we will.

We have dinner near the International House, then Rory encourages me to choose where I want to go get drunk, and that's how we end up in a lesbian bar in the gay neighborhood of Madrid. I kind of feel sorry for Rory, who has been dragged here and probably wasn't expecting this kind of bar, but I needed to be with "my people" tonight, even if my colleague is the only person I'm actively interacting with.

She's been really patient with me, not forcing me to talk, but really listening to me when I decided to. I still don't understand how we got here, how we have turned our hostile start into what is quickly becoming a really good friendship, but I'm really glad we have.

"You know, I've never really liked beer," she says at some point, staring at my third bottle of the golden liquid, and my eyes pop out of my head.

"You what, now?"

She shakes her head. "I don't really like the taste. Plus, you know I'm not a big drinker in the first place. If I'm drinking, I prefer wine or some light cocktail, like Mojito."

"Eww," I cringe hard. "Alright, you don't like the taste of beer, but have you ever tried actually good beer, or just that shit that they sell in the grocery stores?"

"Not sure what you mean with actually good beer," she shrugs. "So I guess I haven't. You know, I'm still not sure if that shocked look that you get when I tell you I haven't tried, watched, eaten, drunk, or enjoyed something amuses me or makes me feel like I'm the biggest loser in the world."

"You shouldn't feel like a loser, not having experienced something doesn't make you one. Before I came here, I had never traveled outside of the United States... would that make me a loser?"

"I guess not."

"Good! But you still need to try good beer, so..."

"Yes, let's go to some good beer place soon!" she winks and laughs. "Now, do you want to talk about the reason why we're here tonight, or are we going to pretend it's just another night at a lesbian bar? Not that I have any experience with that, but still..."

"No, I don't want to talk," I reply. I know that Rory's opinion is that some things must be shared in order to start feeling less pain, and I know that she promised to let me bend her ears talking about Lilian, but right now I really don't feel like it. I need to start moving on, and I can't do it if I keep wallowing in my self-pity, bringing my ex up every time I get the chance. "I'm gonna go to the restroom, then, when I'm back, I'm gonna order another beer and keep enjoying my night out with a friend, and that's gonna be it. You ok with the plan?"
She nods, I smile and go to the restrooms, actually surprised that it took me three beers to make my first trip to what Rory would call the loo. I have the bladder of a hamster, all my friends love to make fun of me for it.

When I come back I see that my chair has been occupied by a butch woman in her forties, who's leaning across the table towards Rory, talking to her and probably thinking she's being charming. I'm not surprised it took only those few minutes I've been away for someone to jump at the chance of hitting on Rory. The girl is gorgeous, in that rocker yet feminine way that makes heads turn in a lesbian bar. Hell, if she weren't my straight friend and co-worker, I would probably hit on her, too.

I can tell that the unwanted attention is making her a little uncomfortable, and honestly, for some reason seeing that woman making a pass at my friend is bothering me as well, so I walk up to the table to put an end to it.

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