36. I kinda had a dream

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"And then Bee looked up from the screen, her face so red she could have been a traffic light, and didn't have time to realize she was walking straight against a lamppost! She didn't really hurt herself, but damn it if it wasn't the funniest scene ever! And all because her girlfriend of three years sent her a photo in her underwear!"

Rory's laughter comes out from the speakers of my laptop and fills my whole bedroom, and I miss her even more than I did five seconds ago.

"Oh god, for real?" she giggles. "She sounds positively adorkable."

"She is, she's the most adorkable person in the whole world." I pause, take a deep breath, then ask her the question I've wanted to ask for days now. "Would you like to meet her when you get back from Italy?"

It doesn't sound like a big deal, but Rachel is the only family I have, and introducing her to Rory - the woman I've been sleeping with for the past three months and with whom I might or might not be developing a sort of relationship, albeit unspoken - is actually a huge step forward. It's not like meeting the parents, obviously, but it's close, and since I don't have any parent - at least not one I have a real rapport with - this is the next best thing.

Rory has apparently picked up the implications of my request because her eyes go wide for a second, but then she immediately regains her composure, probably because she doesn't want to make an even bigger deal of this than it already is.

"I... really? I mean..." she clears her throat. "Do you want to share the little time you have with her with me?"

I chuckle, then sigh. "Rory, let's be honest here... do you really think we aren't going to get together as soon as your plane touches the ground in Seville? We haven't gone without seeing each other for more than two days since January, and I don't know about you, but I've been feeling the separation. I... ha... I kinda had a dream about you last night..."

"You have?" she sounds surprised at first, and it takes her a few moments to understand what I really meant with my words. "You have! Oh, wow..."

"Yeah..." I bite my lower lip, wondering if I've said too much. One thing is having actual sex with the woman, another is confessing that I had a sex dream about her that left me all hot and bothered in the morning.

"What did you dream of?"

I almost choke on my own saliva. "You really wanna know?" I shriek, and I just can tell that my face has turned red. This is the effect Rory Davila has on me, no matter how many times I get the privilege of fucking her: she's the only person on the planet who can turn me into a blabbering, blushing mess.

"Don't play shy with me, Brennan. I want to know."

I inhale and exhale slowly, wondering how I can put a night of hot dreams into a conversation that won't sound like the review of a porn movie. And then it's like a light goes off in my brain: what if... no, it can't be! Rory isn't that kind of person. Or is she? Maybe the old Rory, the one I met almost three years ago, wasn't that kind of person, but this one? The one I've been sleeping with for months, who sent me to school with Kegballs inside my vagina? She could definitely be implying that. I take a good look at her, and the mischievous grin on her lips confirms that I'm not wrong: she doesn't want me to tell her about my sex dream, not just tell her, at least. She wants us to have Skype sex!

Now, virtual sex, or phone sex for that matter, isn't something I'm an expert on, as crazy as it might sound. Despite two years of an intercontinental long-distance relationship, Lilian and I never tried that, as it was never our cup of tea. The only time we got close to it was about eight months into our distance relationship, and it had been via text messages. Fast, detached, not at all embarrassing. What Rory is asking me, though, is a whole different story. I am not a blushing virgin, but for some reason, the idea of talking someone through my fantasies while that said someone touches herself makes me a little nervous.

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