Chapter 5

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"Fascinating creature," George Culvert muttered to nobody in particular. He sat opposite me at the long dining table and had not taken his eyes off Quin since meeting him. Nor had his wife, Adelaide, but instead of curiosity, her usually friendly gaze was filled with wariness. She did not trust the supernatural as easily as her husband. Then again, he had studied it his entire life and inherited his father's extensive demonology library too.

I quickly explained what Quin was doing in a state of dishabille and why. That had only increased George's interest and Adelaide's shock.

Charity and Samuel were a little more polite and didn't stare at Quin quite so much, but it was obvious from the moment they walked in that they were curious. Neither showed any concern, however. They knew what good the warrior had done in the past, dispensing with the demons. Like me, they trusted that he wouldn't harm humans.

"Is he tame?" I heard Adelaide whisper to Sylvia as they sat.

"Oh yes," Sylvia assured her. "So far, anyway."

I wanted to remind her that he was not a dog, but Quin would have heard. Indeed, he would have heard everything they said too. I felt awfully embarrassed and I hoped my glare at Sylvia would convey as much.

George continued to stare as Tommy served the first course. Since our conversations would require privacy, he had proposed that he serve us. Emily and Jacob had both protested, but Sylvia and Tommy insisted that it was necessary. I wasn't so sure that it was a good idea either. For one thing, it would put out the Beaufort servants, and for another, Emily wanted to treat him as a guest and not a footman. Then again, it would allow him to be present for our conversation when he felt too awkward to dine with us as a guest.

"You say your origins are human," George said to Quin before the first course was even served. I silently bit my lip and appealed to Emily. She merely shrugged.

"Aye," Quin said.

"But you've been gone for a very long time. You were last in this realm during the time of Henry VIII. Is that right?"

Quin watched Tommy ladle soup from the tureen into the bowls. He looked ravenous and not at all interested in answering George.

"Are you dead?"

Quin's gaze flickered briefly to George then back to Tommy. He waited until we each had a bowl and Jacob picked up his spoon. As soon as the head of the household tucked in, so did Quin.

George watched him with fascination and seemed to forget about his soup entirely. The others were a little more circumspect but they too seemed intrigued by everything the warrior did. He must feel like an exhibit in a freak show.

"I see you need sustenance," George noted.


"Is that the case in your realm too?"


"Really? Interesting. Why not, do you think?"

Quin concentrated on his soup.

But George would not give up. "Tell me about your realm."

"It is in between," Quin said.

"In between? What does that mean?"

Again, Quin remained silent.

George's brow slowly scrunched into a frown. "In between," he finally muttered. "Humph." He arched an eyebrow at me. "Do you know anything else about him, Cara?"

"He is as unresponsive to my questions as he is to yours, I'm afraid." I shot him a wan smile. "He doesn't like talking about himself."

George pushed his glasses up his nose. "Yes, but I thought perhaps you might have learned something about him from the spirit world. You have put questions to one or two ghosts, haven't you?"

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