Chapter 12

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It was a Catholic concept, not believed by all Christian religions, let alone non-Christian ones. It was said to be the place between Heaven and Hell where sinners could redeem themselves and earn a place in Heaven. Souls that were sent there weren't deemed evil enough to go to Hell, but had committed sins that blocked their access to Heaven.

Quin had said he was from a realm 'in between'. He'd been telling me all along that he was from Purgatory, but I'd not deciphered his meaning and he'd not been willing to explain it. I knew from my interaction with spirits that after death, souls entered the Waiting Area or could choose to remain and haunt this realm. Those in the Waiting Area were then sorted into categories according to the life they'd led. I wasn't able to communicate with souls beyond the Waiting Area so I'd never learned anything more about those categories. It would seem the concepts of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory were accurate. There was, however, one other thing I knew about Purgatory: souls committed there had to endure pain and punishment to purify them of their sins and become worthy of Heaven.

Quin grinned as he scooped up little Matthew and tossed him in the air. I couldn't stop staring. Surely there'd been a mistake; surely he hadn't committed a sin bad enough to cause him to suffer in Purgatory for centuries?

"Cara." Jacob's quietly earnest voice had me turning toward him. "I know it's a shock, but you mustn't let him see that you know. We can't fully trust him. Do you understand?"

He was speaking to me like an adult to a child, but I wasn't outraged. At that moment, I did feel very childlike as I tried to take it all in. "I'll be careful."

"Good. We have to be, not only for your sake, but for everyone associated with you." He glanced pointedly at the laughing children as they gathered around the man who'd done something so terrible that, upon his death, he'd been sent to Purgatory.

His death. Quin was most definitely dead then. Even though he'd said as much, I hadn't really believed it before. There was no way around that fact, and no coming back from it.

Yet he didn't look dead. Everyone could see him, and he was as solid as me. It was all so confusing.

"Cara," Jacob murmured, "there is an incantation I now know can be found in the book that might become useful."

"What does it do?" My voice sounded small, lost. I tried to rally myself and fight through the fog in my brain but it was so hard.

"It destroys the portal forever."

His words slammed into me, blasting the fog away. I rounded on him. "No." I put as much ferocity behind my whisper as I dared. Fortunately Quin seemed not to notice, but Emily glanced our way. "We cannot use it. Quin will be trapped in...that place...and never be able to return." And visit me.

"He wouldn't be needed here if the demons are also trapped in their own realm."

A hot ball of tears clogged my throat. It was all too much. I wanted to question Jacob further, but the children's nanny arrived and collected them, relieving Quin of his horsey duties. He sat near me, oblivious to the explosive piece of news Jacob had just delivered. His eyes twinkled like bright stars and a small smile curved his lips as he told Emily that he believed Gabe would grow into a fine, strong man. There were no signs of his earlier illness. He looked every bit the fun, favorite uncle, and nothing like a soul trapped in the misery of Purgatory.


I warred with myself for the rest of the day and finally decided, as I lay in bed that night listening to Sylvia snoring, that I had to talk to Quin. Jacob hadn't wanted me to say anything, but I couldn't not ask him. He ought to know that we knew he came from Purgatory, and have an opportunity to explain.

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