Chapter one

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Dear Miss April Elana Marie Stamford,

We request the pleasure of your company on the evening of 17th of March 2021, to attend the annual White Rose Mafia Ball; Held at Branson Manor.

Attire black ty - formal. If desired, you are welcome to bring a companion. The evening will begin 8pm and carriages for 12 pm.
For any further information please contact
RSVP ~ 8th of March

The red satin invitation landed through my letter box of my apartment. It looked rather posh and I imagined it took a lot of time and effort into making. While dropping my bags off at the front door and unbuckled my heels; I wriggled my toes and slipped my slippers on. I picked up the letter and the feeling of wax on the back which shaped into a rose. 'The White Rose' it read underneath the wax. I flipped it over again and it read my name Miss April Elana Marie Stamford. It was hand written, almost like italic.

Carefully, I peeled over the envelope and pulled out a transparent invitation. The corners where burnt. It was beautifully written and my face dropped. I knew of the people The White Rose... but truly it was an identity, to hide the truth behind their company. The White Rose Mafia. The most deadliest, criminalisation in the whole world. Not to sound dramatic or anything but I truly mean it. It's well known in the underground world and in normal society.

When people walk into a room or buy a drink at a café you are instantly intimidated. You back away and hope that you aren't seen by them. It goes silent and you can hear a pin drop, or a mouse squeak. They are lethal. That's why I was so shocked. I mean you could say I was fairly popular in the underground criminal world. However I was most known as The Chicago. Not many people classed me at April. Or even officially knew my name was April. I was the choreographer for the dancers at the speakeasy, 'The Petal' and I was only involved in the criminal world after I had an encounter with my grandfather and my uncle. But that's a story for another time...

This was the first time I've ever had a significant invitation sent to me, not just that but actually inviting me! I was totally going. I'm so excited. It was the most important ball that apparently has been an annual for over 50 years! I felt so proud of myself. Of how far I come. I am an independent business woman, I've paid and worked hard for what I have today. I've been through things normal people would never dream in their deepest darkest dreams. And here I am today. Ready to take on the world. I'm not going to say it was easy, the last few years have been severe blood - sweat - tears.

I placed the invitation down on the side table beside my front doors and headed into the apartment. Dopping my bag and shoes into my closet, I shut the doors whilst pressing my voicemail on my home phone and flung myself into my king size bed. The silk duvet captured me and the fluffy blanket skimmed my feet at the end of my bed. A few inquiring about the club nothing out of the normal.

My eyes drifted off into a deep sleep. Tomorrow was a normal day for me, 6am wake up call - head to the speakeasy - clean the bar - rehearsals at 10am till 2pm - head home - get ready for the night club - head back again - finish around 12 pm - then home again.

Some people would think I actually own The Petal. But I don't. Antony Blossom is the owner, however I'm just the manager and the choreographer. I loved my job and I wouldn't give it up easily, unless something more important came along. Apparently the woman who had it before was so bad and used to fire girls and bartenders if they where just a minute late to their shift or rehearsal.

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