Chapter six

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I don't even know how I was walking right now, my mind was rushing in all sorts of places. Like a machine running on fifty five different types of caffeine and sugar, all at the same.

But I had to compose myself. The show would begin very, very soon. Needing to get my head in the game I swiftly walked on the marble floor which entered into the graceful gardens of  the Miami city.

"Hey Flower, did you wanna introduce the show?" Aurora exclaimed, snapping me out of my thoughts. She was so peaceful as she said it. And i instantly hugged her. The sent of her hair filled my lungs and I felt a lot more relaxed. I sniffled a little and let go.

"Darling what's wrong?" She said and wiped my cheek. I hadn't even realised I was crying. "I'm fine, just a little emotional." My face gave a weak smile. But that's when I could sense someone behind me.

It was Mateo. I could see in Auroras eyes she was putting all the puzzles together. She's smart, a quick thinker too. Her eyes widened and Mateo walked past us. "Young boy you wait here." She shouted and grabbed his arm.

"I might be an old rag, but I can tell what things are and I'm not stupid. After this show I want a word with you." And she glared at him. I looked up at him but he didn't even sense I was there, it was like a was invisible and it hurt.

But I had to be strong. "Sorry I best be off." I said and quickly exited, I didn't want to be there any longer than I needed.

The stage was very equipped to hold a function like this. The red silk curtains on the stage and you could tell the curtains costed a small fortune. I swiftly glided up the side of the stage and went through the side door to the back stage area.

"Right then Chicago west, is everyone in their places." I said to Lotty and Kate who stood beside me. "Yeah everyone's in their places." She said and sat in her wooden chair on stage.

Remembering when I was their age was strange to say the least. Performing on stages with the family that brought me up, the closest thing i had to brothers and sisters. I always wished I had siblings but I wasn't lucky enough. But I'm happy with my life either way.

Earlier on tonight I decided not to make an announcement as it will keep my identity hidden. Yes I have introduced myself to a few people as April. But fewer people the better.

Let the show commence I thought.

Ron de replay - remix by Rhianna and elephant man.
We where based in an outside area. The cool air hitting everyone's faces. And the water pooled down onto the stage, it was pitch black. Firstly salsa! The balcony's around the centre of the audience has dancers leaning over doing a choreographed piece. Ladies walking down the middle in fishnet tights and black leotards with black silhouette heels. They looked so powerful. It all reminded be of Burlesque.

The guy dancers stood up from the tables and met the ladies. They did some beautiful parter work, Ariels, helicopters you name it they did it. Literally right next to the tables, the adrenaline was pumping in me so sure as hell in them too. They looked AMAZING! There was 20 chairs on the outdoor stage and the mechanical rain above them look awesome with this piece. The lights and lasers where spiralling anywhere and everywhere. And it was so cool.

"YESS CHICAGO WEST!" I shouted and made my way to the back. Everyone was astonished by the show so far, the dancers where killing it with the heel routine. I was so happy we decided to add a rain machine into this performance, because with every step. The dancers swished their bodies to the music and every beat their feet hit the floor. It looked like in slow motion, and the water would flick upwards.

The chairs they danced on too added a lot of different moves and I could tell all the men where enjoying it, cheeky wink. Every beat they hit and I felt so so proud of them. "WHOOO" I shouted. Through the rest of the performance a range of powerful hitting songs, either Italian or old school hits, by Rhianna, Beyonće, Britney Spears or Jennifer Lopez. Everyone was cheering and clapping along and it felt amazing. I missing dancing a lot myself. Maybe one day I could go up their and dance with them. That would be fun.

Soon after the show finished the rain machine stopped and revealed the very very out of breath dancers on stage. However they still stayed professional and kept in position until the curtains drew to a close. Proud would be an understatement of how proud I am of my dancers.

As I made my way back into the house, a few people came over and said how amazing the performance was and they really wanted to see more. I entered the house I went over to the bar again and asked Louie for another Daquri. It came quickly after so I grabbed it, payed and made my way backstage to go see all the dancers.

"Hey guys! That was amazing." They where all in a huddled circle backstage, they turned around to reveal this young woman with her arms crossed looking rather annoying. A bright pink shorter than short dress cliff to her body and her black her stuck in all different directions.

"This girl wants us." One of the guys said. "Yeah she wants to replace you." Another said. "Is that true?" I asked standing in front of her.

"So what if it is?" She said back and I could clearly see she's got attitude. It was quite ironic because she wanted my dancers but they didn't want her, so she was all alone being cocky. Whilst I was standing in front of her with all my team with me.

"Answer the damn question" I paused "Ahh..." and it clicked. This was Catlyin that everyone was talking about. Who was going to marry Mateo but decided against it. And the old manager. So the woman who had my job before. "You're Catlyin aren't you, lover boy didn't want you.... neither did the club, so what? You're trying to get anything back that you didn't get last time? Like these dancers?" I sternly asked her not breaking eye contact. "I can do it better." She said still avoiding my question.

"Look. Let me tell you something. Clearly, they don't want you so I think you should just leave us all alone. Oh and secondly... can I tell you a secret?" I paused and inched closer to her "I am nice, but that's only when you earn my respect. However you've lost that before you even gained it. What a shame." I said sarcastically and pouted my face.

She huffed and stomped one of her feet on the floor like a little girl. Then quickly turning around to walk in the opposite direction. "You'll regret this Chicago!" Her words rang through me... I find that slightly funny because I highly doubt they will.

Hopefully anyway.

That's chapter six everyone! Hope you all enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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