Chapter three

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The black interior of the limousine cooled my thighs. I placed my hands in my lap and adored the night life of Miami. Everyone was so alive, the energy was full to the max. It looked amazing. People just looked so care free and loving life, gosh I really need to go on a night out!

For the past few hours or so I've been getting ready in my beautiful black ball gown I purchased from Aurora. I've also been sat I front of a mirror  - for what seems like hours  critiquing my make up.

The gods had blessed me with a great cheek bone, so those were both beautifully bronzed and chiselled. My lips had been painted in a matte, deep, red colour and my lashes were fluffed. My eyes were a smokey nude kind of brown colour which I loved.

My hair was lightly curled but very bold at the same time. I always get annoyed at myself for biting my nails *mental eye roll* but I just can't help it. So instead I've had to get medium sized
acrylic nails which were painted white and so where my toes. My purse was a stunning nude and held some mascara, red lipstick, my phone and a '380 sig sauer' handheld gun- just for precaution.

I had to be careful because obviously I'm going into the lions den. The most well known criminals will be there so I have no idea what will happen. Not to mention the three knives strapped to my thighs. Antony had told me before I was an amazing knife thrower. And I was proud of it. That reminded me that I need to ask him to go take me to a place and practice my knife throwing skills.

The last few weeks leading up tonight have been very intense. The training at the club has been hardcore. I also had to find 10 boys that the girls know so we can do partner work. So tonight will be 30 dancers, the dances are all fun and dusted, we had a 4 hour cleaning the choreography a few days ago. It was blood sweat and tears all over again.

Part of me misses the dancing side to my job, although I do dance in rehearsals sometimes... well actually every day I do. It's not the same actually performing I front of an audience.

"Miss Chicago, we're here." The diver called from the front drivers seat. "Thank you, but please call me April." I smiled whilst gliding to the side door. The cool night air hit my face and my eyes fluttered a little bit when the chauffeur opened the door for me.

That's when I placed my feet on the marble floor outside the manor. I took a few steps forward so the chauffeur could close the car door and he let go of my hand.

Thanking the man, I glided up the stairs towards the double glass doors. Men and women walking together, just the same as me.

And in this moment I've realised how far I've come. I'm an independent woman, I've never needed man to bring me into the place I'm in today. And I feel wonderful about it. Imagine the look on my ex's face right now. It's been years. But I always thought he was the one. Until took over his family business and got engagement.

(Not to me obviously)

And then he's been off the grid for years. I couldn't even tell you if he's even alive to be honest. But I suppose I went off the grid as well, I'm in contact with none of my family or friends. 'Just me, myself and I' I say to myself. Gosh I really need to stop thinking about what he thinks of me. He probably doesn't even care, I mean let's be honest.

As I walked up the stairs a young woman smiled at my and passed me a glass of champagne with two small strawberries inside. Wow this place is very posh.

I picked up the bottom of my dress a little and stopped at the top of the last step as I saw a long table with people handing other people items. "Excuse me, have you got any weapons of any sort, if so please can you place them in this bag please." A young man asked me.

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