Chapter four

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After blade and I met earlier on tonight, I've managed to have lot of questions. Who was 'everyone' and how come he even got involved with the Mafia? Where has he been all of this time? I had to distract myself for a little until I finally reached my answers. I've started to Mingle with a few people.

I met a lovely man, he's called Alexander. Middle to late 40's, currently owns a lot of estate agents in the US. And his wife, Pollyanna is a house wife. However she used to be a car sales women. We where just chatting about his recent purchase in California, a nine bedroom house. "Well I'm sure if I ever need a house over here I'll be sure to let you know Alex." I smiled and sipped some more of my Daiquiri. I wonder how many of these I've had tonight.

But before I could swallow, a large hand was placed at the bottom of my back. And I stupidly choked on my drink a little. "Ahh, here's the man of tonight. Mateo how have you been?" The two men shook hands and I looked up at this large figure.

This god-like figure was beautiful sculpted. His biceps were bulging out of his suit, his eyes were a piercing grey. Oh no, absolutely can not be him I thought to myself. My heart dropped out of nervousness. "I've been very good thank you, I see you've met my friend here, April?" Mateo spoke, still holding onto my lower back.

My heart was pounding so fast maybe people around me can hear it! I 'attempted' to gently place my glass on the table without smashing it out of shock. Phew, success!

"yes I have indeed, she hasn't been in this kind of business for very long now has she, only around three years now?" Alexander spoke again. Well, you know my ex, who I think about everyday. Wondering what he's doing, or if he ever thinks about me, or even if he's alive! Yeah, his name is Mateo, and he's next to me. I haven't seen him in 3 years...

"Oh Yeah, not long." I smiled and looked down at my feet. "But I see you've made yourself quite a reputation, I'm looking forward to the performance, you've been dancing and competing since you where a baby?" Pollyanna asked and linked arms with her husband. "Aw thank you, they've all worked so hard and yes; yes I have a very long time." I nervously chuckled, trying to come to terms what is happening right now.

"Well sorry to disturb you but I need a chat with April, enjoy your night." Mateo spoke again and pulled me by my waist, I grabbed my glass and sipped.

"What do you think you're doing." I hissed under my breath. He started to make me walk fast walk down a hall way. I looked up and he was so much more... gorgeous than I remember. He has a slight stubble, his hair was messy but in a way that made him look more handsome, he wore a black suit white navy blue trimming. Looking even more ravishingly. I mentally smiled to myself.

"I could ask you the same bloody question." He states with dominance. He was looking around corners almost like he was trying to keep clear from someone.

"What are you doing?" I asked him looking at him. He was much more taller than I remembered too. He towered over me. "Keeping clear from a certain someone." He said and wrapped one of his hands around my wrist now ushering me down corridors and hallways. Meanwhile his other hand held a glass of beer. "And is that 'certain someone' your wife?" I asked, trying to get him to let go of me, but he just tightened his grip.

He kept walking and whispered in my ear. "Ex-fiancé, But she's quite obsessed," he sent shivered down my spine, wait ex-fiancé? What! I really thought they got married. "Here we are, brace yourself love." He said and opened the double doors to an office.

Before I could even look into the room. I was taken back by someone hugging me. Their hair smelt like coconut and vanilla. "I-I can't breath-hhh" I spoke being suffocated. They released me and I instantly took the hug back again. "OH MY GOD, IS THAT SERIOUSLY YOU!!!" I screamed. Rosa and I jumped up and down and twirled in a circle. I let go and Rosa cupped my face. "God you've grown into a lovely, gorgeous woman. And not to mention you're bloody Chicago!!!" She shouted and hugged me again.

Rosa was one my best friends since I can even remember, people would say we were attached to the hip (obviously not literally) but when I went off the grid i couldn't get in contact with her. It was like she vanished into thin air.

Even though I haven't seen her in forever, I can tell nothing has changed between us. She's a few years younger than me although she was in the same year as me at school. I always call her a smarty pants because she is actually so so, so smart she got moved up two years above into my year group.

Tonight her hair was in a slick low pony, she wore a beautiful baby pink gown that flowed like a waterfall. It truly showcased her personality.

"Okay ladies, my turn!" A mans voice spoke and Rosa turned to show me who it was. My heart was racing. I felt like I was in a movie. All my best friends from school, collage even when I was little where standing my in-front of me. Well only 4 of them.

Blade, Mateo, Rosa and Bailey. "B-Bailey. You're gonna-" I breathed but they let go. "well look who the cat dragged in," he let go. "Okay, turn and do a spin for me" he laughed and he hugged me again.

Rosa put her hands around my shoulders and so did I. So boss care to explain." She said. I was so confused. "Boss?" I said as Mateo sat down. He pulled his trousers up a bit. Wow, his thighs have grown.

"So who's gonna explain to the newbie." Some guy said. Oh and I forgot got to mention there's not just us 5 in the room, there's 8 of us. Three other guys. Antony as well. I'll need to have a word with him as to why he didn't tell me about his TWR involvements... sure he'll explain though. "I wouldn't really call me a newbie." I said and looked at him.

"Yeah me neither, she's far from it... apparently, from what I've seen." Mateo said. He had his legs our wide with one leg crossed over the other thigh. Lent back and put his arms across the back of the sofa chair.

"What do you mean?" I curiously asked. Scoffing, Mateo answered me, "Well, as you was chatting up Mr green, blade told me that your lovely ass was here, so I looked at the cctv and saw how you threatened Jasmine Woodlock on the steps." Cocky was one word to describe him, a heartless facade. He's definitely not the same person I remember all those years ago. Even so, was he jealous?

"Well firstly, I wasn't 'chatting up' Mr green, I was asking about his agency and it wasn't just him and I, his WIFE was their as well, thank you very much. So don't accuse me if something I didn't even do. Oh secondly that Jasmeenia girl was right up her own ass anyway, didn't cause as much harm as anything else would. But apart from that I can look after myself pretty well thank you. I've been doing for the past three years on my own. Think I'll be just fine" I was so furious, a very clear sarcasm tone to my words.

I have morals. Even if people didn't agree or respect them. I have them. I know some people say it's wrong to judge a person by the first impression but I do. I don't want to trust someone straight away and get hurt. What was the point in that?

So firstly I observe them, see how they act around different groups of people or just around people in general. Soon after I would view how they act towards me.

That's where the big word comes in which I live by, respect. A simple one word that's not overly complicated from the first impression of it.

A noun to regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others. This means that if I think you deserve my respect, I shall give it to you. But if not then that's just tough luck I guess... 

Anyway I had to keep my cool. By this point I had left Rosa and put my hands on the chair opposite Mateo. We both looked into each other's eyes with just as much force and stubbornness as each other. "Even if you where distracted?" A voice said.

Thank you for reading the 4th chapter of Two Years Too Late!!
I really hope you've enjoyed, don't forget to comment, vote & follow me for more.

Have an amazing day, p.s happy Easter for those who celebrate it! ~ sc

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