Chapter 12 - Dragons, Creeps and Ghost hunters, oh my!

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Danny, Sam and Tucker started running, Jeff and Ben following them.

"Stay here!" Danny yelled at the class as he ran past, they kept running and Danny threw open Dora's room, Maddie and Jack stood in the room, Maddie had a bazooka on her shoulder and aimed at Dora in her dragon form. Danny's teeth clenched and he jumped, tackling her.

"She let us sleep here as an act of kindness and you dare to shoot her?!" Danny yelled as Maddie struggled, he held her down easily and pushed the large gun from her hand, knocking it to the side with his supernatural strength. Jack stood by, he had no weapons, only there in hopes he'd convince his wife not to fire. Jeff frowned and put his foot on Maddie's chest, his shoes digging into her breasts. He nodded to his brother and watched him let her go.

"Go have breakfast Dad
" Danny told Jack, waving him off. Sam and Tucker went over to Dora, catching her as she transformed back into a human, stumbling slightly.

"Are you okay princess?" Sam asked, frowning.

"Yes, I'm fine, though having ghost hunters in my room with a gun isn't a lovely way to wake up." Dora answered, she nodded her head as she spoke, causing Sam to sigh in relief.

"Can I keep this?" Ben asked, picking up the ectoplasmic bazooka, he saw Danny nod and grinned, sitting down to begin tinkering with it.

"What should we do with her?" Jeff asked, he set a hand on Danny's shoulder and looked at Maddie, scowling angrily.

"You can have her, she's the one that took me, she made my forget, she deserves to suffer" Danny answered, he climbed off of her and stood up, he turned suddenly and kicked her in the ribs, using his strength to break them.

"Danny! What are you doing? I'm your mother!" Maddie cried, she hissed in pain, her face scrunched up in pain.

"You're not his mother, you're his kidnapper and a terrible parent!" Jeff spat, he dug the heel of his shoe into her breast, bruising the tissue. He took out his knife, readying to kill the ginger haired woman, but a wave of static entered his brain, making him fall atop of the female ghost hunter and grunt in pain, It was clear the Slenderman didn't want her dead yet. Jeff moved to stand and Maddie punched him, pushing her off of him with a noise of effort. Danny balled his hands into fists, glancing to Sam, he nodded at her and watched her lead Dora out of the room.

"But what will he do?" Dora asked Sam, walking with her through the hall.

"He's going to kill her." Sam answered bluntly, All of the ghosts knew the group's relationship with The Slenderman, who was one of the ancient beings of the zone and a member of the council, though no one had seen him in years until he walked into a council meeting behind the young king, who summoned the council to alert them of the field trip to the zone.

"My room had better be blood free Knight Sam." Dora told her, frowning in annoyance, she was completely serious this time.

"It will be." Sam reassured her friend.

"Enough! I will be taking her!" A wave of static once again took Jeff over, along with everyone else in the room, The Slenderman stood in the corner as he appeared, he approached the group and looked down at Maddie, who held her head, panting and shaking her head as if the pain would stop, a bony white hand grabbed her chin and her face was turned to his smooth featureless one.

"You took young Daniel from his home, there are a lot that wish to have revenge against you. I will be taking her." Slenderman turned to look and Danny and then to Jeff, a twitch in his features showed that he frowned slightly.

"But you both will have an opportunity to harm her as well once you return to the mansion and I will ask the puppeteer to assist me in altering Amity Park's memories so she never existed." Slendy nodded to both boys and a tentacle erupted from his back, the suit didn't rip, but black mist was solid enough to grab Maddie around the waist as he dropped her head and teleported away, taking the aggressive static noise with him. Danny, Jeff, Tucker and Ben left the room, Ben still holding the bazooka, Ben went back to their room to mess with the gun and possibly reconfigure it as the others went to the dining room where the class and Jack also were, they were all definitely ready for breakfast.

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