Chapter 16 - Heading home

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Silence reigned in the group of humans and creeps, even the ghosts that stood outside of the prison and it's gate said nothing, Danny could smell the fear of the humans and the ghosts, his senses having grown along with him as he matured.

"Ghost!" Danny wished he could've enjoyed the silence a bit longer, he looked at Jack, who was running over to him, without any weapons he'd fail in combat. The large man jumped at him and Danny too jumped, dodging it, he fell to the edge of the island, hanging on with one hand as he tucked his body against the island's side, he climbed up and looked at Jack, who laid on the ground, cradling his arm, he hadn't thought that attack through.

"I guess it's time" Sam said glancing back to the gates, she expected Walker to run out any moment, though she knew Danny wouldn't let him take his prey, she bent down, taking one of the throwing knives she kept wrapped around her calf out, her pants leg shuffling with noise as she dropped it to cover her other knives.

"Kill the oaf first, you all can get rid of the class, I need to take care of Walker" Danny said, he walked to the hole in the brick gate and climbed into it, with keys still in his hand he went back into the prison, leaving his family to kill the humans.


The guards cowered when Danny entered the prison, though he ignored them, feeling somewhat bad for scaring them, he started to open the cell doors, for the innocent ghosts at least. He'd have to get a new prison guard, as Walker had broken the rules of the ghost zone many times, perhaps he should write a new rule book too?

Danny made his way to Walker's office, going to his desk and opening the various drawers until he found the large purple book, he grabbed it and walked out, he went to the room Walker was in and looked at the unconscious ghost on the floor, had the taser been that strong? Or was it just that Danny had dealt with electrocution before and was resistant to it?

"Guards, arrest Walker and keep him in a cell until I say so"

"Yes sir!"


Tucker walked back, standing at the edge of the island, looking as Jeff and Sam readied themselves to kill, pulling out their knives, though he noticed that Ben seemed to hesitate, his glamour flickering. He leaned against Tucker and sighed.

"I liked them" he whined, acting like an upset child, Tucker nodded in understanding.

"I liked them too"

Jeff's glamour vanished, his large smile only widening when he saw the fear on the human's faces, glancing at Sam he saw her stab her knife into Jack's back, pointed vertically it sat in the lower end of the 5th thoracic vertebra, stoping Jack's heart since the blade affected the neurological wiring of his body, smart girl. He started through the mass of students, stabbing and slashing with his knife, blood stained his hoodie and splashed against his face, a little getting into his eyes but he ignored it. Sam followed him, taking her throwing knives and throwing them at the students, killing the kids he hadn't gotten, the class was screaming, students running to get away but a guard stood at the gate's hole, the gate's door was shut and sparkling with electricity.

A gunshot rang out, brains exploded from the close proximity to the gun and the guard that fired shuddered, shaking their head as they loaded the gun again, they normally had batons, which hung off their belts, but any guard stationed outside of the prison often kept guns at the ready.


Danny walked out of the prison, his shoes squeaking against the gravel path that led to the prison, blood contaminated the air, but he inhaled it, enjoying it as he walked down to his group, he gave the keys back to the first guard he had seen, holding the book in a vice grip as he got to the gate, he stepped past the guard that stood near the hole, waving to them silently.

"Sorry about the wall" he apologized, looking at the group of teens on the ground, blood seeped into his sneakers and he frowned at the odd feeling, noticing Kwan was on the ground, his head broken apart, he turned and looked at the guard, he suspected the jock had been shot.

"Thanks" he said, smiling at the guard, who smiled back nervously.

Turning back to his group, Danny chuckled and savoured the feeling of pride within him, he was proud of the little part of his family for killing, though he knew Tucker didn't participate, he knew the tech geek wasn't the type to actually murder someone.

"Let's go home" he said to the others, summoning the familiar white rings around him and becoming his alter ego, he floated up and Ben began to float as well, willing his glamour to vanish as he found them uncomfortable, Tucker jumped onto Ben's back as Jeff did the same to Danny, Sam jumped up and grabbed Ben's hands as the ghosts started flying to Danny's lair, Danny grabbed one of Sam's hands, helping Ben carry her on their way home.

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