28: Reception

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(Edit: it was chapter 30 for some reason lmao)

The reception, uh. I mean, my gay ass and Vera's very gay ass passed as a couple for like the first hour because we were the only two that knew how to square dance accurately (thank you, Ontario Public Schools, to not know english and get paired off with someone to learn to square dance with was literally one of the worst experiences of middle school, especially because you paired boys and boys and girls and girls because you thought boys and girls would be too awkward.)

Anyway, so Vera and I taught an entire wedding party how to square dance accurately, then they brought out the fun music and things. Håkon and I slowly took on a little alcohol and by 9pm he had coerced me into doing a full split on the dance floor because I can, and it normally impresses literally everyone.

It did. Oldest party trick in the book and it still pulls a laugh out of everyone around me.

    At one point I pulled the slick-guy move of managing to score a dance with Isa, which, I found to be one of the most fun things of the whole night, considering the look of both Håkon and Leo as they stood next to each other watching me twirl Isa around.

    "No!" Isa laughs, holding my phone. "You look too much like boyfriends, here, the further away your feet are from one another the less gay it looks."

    Håkon, tipsy, leans onto my shoulder and starts scooching his feet farther and farther away.

    "C'mon, Håk, not joking!" Isa laughs. He makes a little 'hmph' and we fall back to the awkward bros photo position, arms around shoulders, heads apart, feet apart.

    "I can't believe you're about to fukin' do this, weirdo." He kisses the side of my head. We're a lot better off now, a lot of the parents and the relatives left earlier to go home because they were getting tired which has left only the sane people and they seem to not care one little bit that Håkon and I are punchier with each other than two guys would be normally.

    "Are you kidding? This is the best idea I've had all night," I laugh. "Because people know I'm in Sweden, you posted that thing on your story like a week ago where I'm definitely in the rink locker room with you getting undressed after practice and so they know I'm in Sweden, but with no discernible reason why, this is gonna be fantastic." I pick my head up, catching sight of Vera. "Yo, Ver!"

    "Yeah?" she bops in as Isa's handing me back my phone.

    "Would you mind showing up on my instagram, I'll tag you."

    "No, not at all, why are you asking?"

    "I dunno, I gotta ask, like twenty thousand people follow me."

    Her jaw drops. "Oh my god I forgot."

    "Hey, not as bad as mr-posts-literally-never here. He's got like 50 thousand. And then Steph is in the 80s now, isn't he?"

    "Don't ask me," Håkon shrugs. "Steph would be in the hundred thousands if he didn't have a goddamn fish picture."

    "No not the fish picture," I cringe. "I keep telling him to take that off of there but I guess it is iconic."

    "I revoke my permission if you've got fish on your page, Rocket." Vera points at me.

    "Nah," I'm staring down at my phone. "I'm too gay for fish pictures. My embarrassing photos from high school include the unicycle photo." I show her. "This one."

    "Oh, that is pretty bad, why do you still have that up?"

    "Because it's iconic." Håkon answers for me. "Jack of all trades."

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