19: Tell Me About Him

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I get a call on Christmas day, well, like 8pm on Christmas, which is weird. I didn't have the energy to fly home this year, so I didn't. So I'm alone on Christmas, which is fine, it's nice not to deal with my family on Christmas. But it has a weird lonely feeling, but it's nice. I got to do things I normally don't. I didn't go to the early morning mass and instead went a little later, awkward and alone in the families that forced their little kids into Christmas day attire. I got recognized a couple times but it made it better. The best moment of the whole day was the little girl with huge eyes and pretty curly hair that bounced up on my knee when I kneeled down to say hi to her and told me that I'd made her whole entire Christmas day and that she had just gotten a new stick for Christmas and was learning to play just like me. I smiled and gave her a few tips and a joke before standing up and getting told by her parents that this had probably just made her whole day and I simply responded, mine too. 

But I get a call. I didn't expect it. I didn't expect anyone from the team to talk to me today. 


"Hey Yeti," It's Rocket. I smile instantly.

"Rocks, what's up?"

"I'm bored and its Christmas and my Mom left to go home to bed and I- I dunno it got quiet."


"Do you want to come over and make cookies or some shit?"

"Sure," I stand up off the couch. "I'll be over in a minute, I'm bored too."

Then I simply grab my keys and get the hell in the car because fuck it, I'm completely crazy about Miloš Stojanovič and I'm not about to lose any second I might have to spend with him.

I'm there in under ten minutes, jittering and smiling and warm in my hoodie. It's... good.  

"Hey," I set my keys and coat on the entry table in his apartment.

"Hi." he turns pink and keeps standing there.

"This is awkward."

"You got here really fucking fast," he looks behind me. "I'm surprised you didn't get a ticket or some shit, was it a race?"

"No, I'm just... bored."

"Right on," he nods, "let's make cookies and talk or some shit."

"Yep," Rocket takes a breath and pulls back his hair into that style that Finnican likes, half up half down. Rocket looks so fucking good like that.

"You want a hair tie too? Can't be having little white hairs in my cookies," he holds one out to me, "Jilly gave me like four hundred so feel free to keep it." I take the thing and make a tiny ponytail on top of my head. "Perfect." Rocket remarks.

"Let me wash my hands," I give them a good rinse in the sink and then soap and then rinse again. "Now what."

"Cookies!" Rocket slaps a bag of chocolate chips on the counter and we start to root through his kitchen for the ingredients.

"So I'm going to start on the wingman topic again because I was people watching today," He bumps into my back. It's a little cramped in this kitchen for two guys well above six feet. "Ever look at a girl and go holy shit she's literally perfect?"

"I thought you were into guys," I find the flour.

"I am. That doesn't mean I don't know what an attractive girl looks like," He laughs. "I swear all of them somehow manage to look good and then guys are out here in the same pair of underwear they wore in high school and I have to live with the fact that I'm attracted to that and not girls." 

I look down at the boxer line above my waistband. How long have I had these? They're probably not that old, right? I don't remember buying them so they might be old but not high school, right? they would be, what, seven years old if I had them in high school? Underwear don't last that long, right? 

I clear my throat and continue the conversation, "I feel like that's inner you feeling like you need to be straight to be normal." I hand him the flour and our fingers brush.

"It might be comp-het, but, like, it might not be." He shrugs and I feel his shoulder move against mine.


"Compulsory heterosexuality. It's a gay people thing. You... feel like you have to be into the opposite gender and your brain will automate it in a way." 

"Um, alright." 

"So, girls?" 

"Right, yeah, I know what you mean. Like, I'm not necessarily attracted to you, but somehow you're perfect?"

"That's exactly the feeling, way to nail that to a board, straightie."

"Straightie?" I laugh. "That's different."

"Yeah," he snorts. "So that's what I did today."

"I slept in and then ate breakfast," I shrug, "then I watched bad Christmas movies until right now."

"Sounds like a trip," Rocket starts mixing the wet ingredients and I'm working with the dry. "So when I get you a girlfriend, do you want someone that fits in with the trophy wives or no."

"No, absolutely not."

"So do you have a crush right now?" He grins at me.

"Yeah," I blurt that on accident.

"Tell me about her, come on, spill," he coaxes me on and we mix the two bowls. "I know you want to, there's that look on your face."

"What look?"

"The look like you want to just gush."

"Maybe," Rocket sticks his hands into the new mix and starts chunking out the cookie dough balls. I take a rather large hunk and start eating it. He follows my lead and we start setting the balls on cookie sheets.

"So what's she like?"

"Tall, ornery as hell," I look at him and he puts the first sheet in. "stubborn."

"Keep going?"

"Not big, but not small, definitely more athletic than my normal type." I'm watching him finish off the last sheet and set it in the oven. I wash my hands off and he does too, setting the timer.

"Anything else? Name?"

I close my eyes and laugh, "likes hockey, definitely likes hockey, crazy good at it too, got a speeding problem when driving, you know, seventy in a twenty five," then I'm watching his response. I stop talking. "What about you? Do you like anyone?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm completely head over heels with someone and they don't know."

I smile, "tell me about him."


and don't know where to start

you don't have to tell me

kill the sun - motherfolk



yeah i know this is short but friday's chapter is a DOOSEY

love yalls and I start school tomorrow #rip


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