38: Like an Ocean Returning to Shore

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Håkon comes back a little somber but that's alright, I assume Nico cornered him to ask about it. He seems to be fine all until the cooldown run before the weight room. 

Then he sticks with me toward the back, even though I know he could outrun me in his sleep. We're the same size in stride so if I'm feeling speedy we keep up really well, but something about the way he's built works with running for some reason and the dude is fast as hell. 

"What's up?" I pant at him, a little winded because he's upping our pace faster than my normal. He seems perfectly fine with the speed and when he responds he sounds like he could be sitting on a couch instead of jogging a three mile run.


"Oh come on, asshole."

"Fine, fine," he lets out a nervous laugh. "Nico cornered me."

"I saw that, did she ask a whole bunch of questions?" 

"No, she just knew, I couldn't do anything about it." He's watching the head of the group. We duck back inside the building and start our run past the offices.

"So you're alright with her knowing?"

"It's Nico." He glances at me, then around at the rest of the guys. We're at the back of the pack and for some reason he's lagging now, holding me back and shortening up his strides.

"Why are you running so slow? Are you okay?"

"No reason and yes, I'm fine." He seems to be paying very close attention to the movement of everyone else.

Suddenly I'm dragged sideways, my sentence cut off. "Liar, li-"

"Yeti-" He pulls me into an office, shutting the door and latching it, then pulling down the curtain in such a swift motion I'm surprised nothing breaks. "What are you-"

Then his mouth is on mine. I let out a little whine of surprise, but he's faster, stifling it. I struggle to put two and two together, collecting a single command in my brain. 

Kiss. Him. The. Hell. Back.

I blink once, a blurry smudge of his face in front of mine. The blink helps a little bit to free up my stiff and shocked body, my arms springing to life to lift to his hair. I try to figure out what's going on multiple times but eventually my brain gets tired of thinking about this so damn hard and leaves me on my own. A second after I stop trying to kiss him like it's a test I need to pass, my resolve buckles and we melt together like we've been doing this for years. 

His hands are knotted in my sweaty hair and he's kissing me hard, his body pressed on mine against the plaster. I'm there with him, barely thinking, just doing, just kissing. Just existing with him right now and it feels so good, beyond good. 

He nudges his tongue against my lips and I give in without a second thought, tipping my head to deepen the kiss, turning it into a filthy mess of bodies desperate to feel each other, an obscene, utterly explicit, filthy mess.

I sink my fingers into the front of his shirt, tugging him harder into me. He's breathing heavy and hot and messy on my cheeks and I'm out of breath and so dazed he might have to catch me if I pass out.

I needed this, I needed him. It all comes rushing back all at once, a month of pent-up frustration at not having him hits my body like a truck. Like a couple trucks. I kiss him like I wanted to a thousand times when he was sad and a thousand times when he was happy and a thousand times when I just needed it and it makes sense, it just works. I barely had him a full day before we stopped doing this and it was only a month without it but somehow I feel like it was years and years and years. Like I went and got myself shipped overseas and he was just waiting for me to get back. Like he went home for a full summer and I got to pick him up from the airport. Even as we're standing here, knotted up like this, it's like I still miss him and I know that I'll miss him the second his lips leave mine. 

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