Authors note

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stuff in bold is the actual important stuff you might want to actually pay a little attention too. Don't worry about the rest, it's just a little explanation but it's nice to get it out. I know author notes can me boring as fuck.

Shit fam this is genuinely important now. I bet you're fucking sad with the ending.

I was too ngl.

I started writing this when I started to slip into my first real mental health problems. It was a real closure finishing it the way I wanted it to be finished back when I was younger.

It's a relief to finish it but also really sad because I knew I could turn to this book whenever I needed to make myself feel better and escape reality for a while.

I'm sorry if the ending isn't satisfying but it had to be done.

That's it, that's the end...


There's one last chapter andddddd I'm happy to start on a sequel one to follow this book up and it'll be based off the song "The ghost of you" the way this one was written after the song "I'm not okay". Either I'm writing the chapter as you're reading this or its already posted.

I really hope you enjoyed this.

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