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"What do we need?" Gerard asks as he walks behind me.

"food." I say and push the trolly looking at the walls stacked with food.

(I'm sure you guys don't really want to experience food shopping so I'm going to skip a little bit ya know, but in honour of a classic fan fiction...)

We get to the check out and I get Gerard to unpack everything onto the conveyer belt. "Hiya" I smile to the old wan serving us.

"Hello, dear." she says with a smile in return, before scanning more items. "ooo wine!" she exclaims, "you two lovebirds having a date night tonight, are you?"

I can feel myself blush OWO "i-uh yes sure, going to watch a horror tonight" I say making conversation and to not make her uncomfortable by telling her she's wrong. Though I know Gee is going to make fun of me for this later.

"Well have fun. I would recommend that you watch something paranormal! Those are always fun."

"Thank you and thank you" we pick up the bags and leave.

"Date night, huh?" Gerard shoves me with his elbow as we walk up the driveway.

"Shush, I was just being polite. We're doing something else tonight anyway"

"Alright alright." he pauses for a second, "well then what's the wine for?"

I put on the most posh voice I could possibly muster up "Well darling, one does enjoy a spot of wine on rare occasions"

He mocks me with the voice "Oh I see" he goes back to his normal voice "You're like a middle aged woman"

I punch his arm "what!?"

"Ouch! It's just I only ever see old ladies drink wine home alone." he puts his arms up incase of anymore swings coming his way.

I laugh at him, "you're a dick"

"A huge one" he agrees with me.

"I feel like a middle aged woman tonight. I just want to drink my wine and eat my assorted cheeses." I half joke half tell the truth as I set the bags down in the kitchen.

"Damn okay, that's kinda dead." Gerard says, taking food out of one of the bags and putting it on the counter.

"Hm okay, thanks, I guess" Sarcasm.

"It's just you need to- I don't know fucking fly." I'm not sure he know what he's saying at this point, let alone him.

"I don't want to argue, and this feels like it's leading to an argument. So to try to avoid that from happening; what's going on in your head, why do I need to 'fucking fly', hey?" I stop what I'm doing and look at him, giving him all my attention.

"When I'm sad, I don't drink wine at home alone with my 'assorted cheeses'. That only makes me feel worse and overthink shit and I don't want you to overthink shit." He seems frustrated and continues to organise the shopping on the counter.

"let's just, haha, fuck it, we need to go then." I say, grabbing his arm and dragging him to the front door.

"Go where? What?" He seems surprised by my sudden change in heart.

"Somewhere, anywhere, to do something crazy." I don't let go of his arm as I lock the door and drag him even further, running this time.

"what" I hear him say but I don't reply, I just keep moving forward.

It didn't take long for me to find the entrance to the forest we went when we first became friends. I kept pressing on, not looking back. I continue to run. Sorry lmao you need to get your energy out y/n. RUN BITCH RIGHT NOW. okay cool.

I stop looking around me, a strange feeling of nostalgia from that day as my life had changed completely from moving here. I've enjoyed my time with the boys.

"I think" I start to speak, "I think I am just not okay." I turn to Gerard, "yo are you okay?"

Gerard is doubled over, hands on his kness. "No! You wear me out woman!" He exclaims before laughing, "We just ran for god knows how long"

It really didn't feel like a long time, but then that's when it hit me, reality kicks in and adrenaline is gone. "Fuck, yeah you're right" I lie down on the floor and try to control my breathing. I can't help but look at Gerard as his hair is slightly wet now and hanging towards the floor. He sits down next to me, glancing over at me before laughing and pulling me into a hug.

"that was fun but not what I meant. Please, no more physical education."

"Maybe" I say sarcastically, my voice slightly muffled from speaking into his hug.

"You've gotta promise" He squeezes tighter, causing me to scream.


Short chapter, working on another one now but probably won't be out until someone reminds me to write in a week or so lmao. sorry for the inconsistency.

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