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We woke up the next day by someone knocking at the door. "Oh fuck," Louis said pannicked. "Shall I hide?" I asked. He laughed, "no dummy. Just go to the bathroom act like you just came in or something," he said before jumping out of the bed putting on his clothes. I walked into the bathroom, fixing my hair.

"What took you so long? I've been knocking for hours," Zayn said the minute Louis opened up. "Oh, hey Harry," he said when he saw me in the bathroom. "Erhm.. Did you sleep over or..?" He asked looking at both of us. "No, no. I came this morning, nedded to borrow a few things," I lied. It didn't seem like he believed in me, but I couldn't care less. He had known that there was something more between me and Louis earlier than just a friendship, but he hadn't known that we were in a releationship though. None of the boys had known, we had kept it a secret, only our closest family knew. I don't know why we didn't tell them though, we just never found the right time to do it. We hadn't tried to hide it either though, we had cuddled in front of the boys but we never kissed infront of them.

"Well are you guys coming down to eat? Paul told me to come and get you because the bus is going in an hour or so," Zayn said. We agreed and joined him downstairs to the lobby.

"Rough night?" Paul asked when we seated beside him at the table after we had contained us with food. "Not really, we went home earlier than the rest of the boys," Louis said.

After the breakfast we went back upstairs to pack our bags before taking a place in the bus.

"Goodnight," Zayn said from his bunkbed before closing the curtain. We all laughed at him while playing cards on the other side of the bus. Even though the bus trips used to be prolonged, we always found something to do. Even if it was playing video games, drinking games or just to sit in the sofa talking shit.

Niall took up a bear from the freezer and offered us some, but only Liam accepted. After a round of allias, me and Louis went to our bunkbeds. I slept on the over bunk while he slept in the bottom bunk.


After a moment of silence, Harrys jeans hit my face. "Did you just throw your pants at me?" I asked. "Yep," he answeared. "Do u mind if im yerking off a bit up here?" He asked and I could feel him smirking without even looking at him. "Oh my God Harry, you're gonna have to pay for this," I said. I heard him moaning while jerking off himself. I felt my jesns get tighter and I couldn't handle it anymore. I unblocked my own pants and dragged them off me before climbing up to his bed and closing the curtain behind me. "You fucking tease," I said before taking him inside of my mouth. A louder moan escaped his mouth and I prayed for Zayn to be asleep. We could hear Liam and Louis laughing and chatting from the other side of the bus, so they could probably not heat us. "Ah fuck louis," he said when I took him deeper inside. "I'm so close," he moaned. I took him out of my mouth and started to rub him up and down harder and harder before he spilled into my hand and on his tummy. I licked the cum off my hands before licking off his tummy and up to his neck. I noticed the lovebites he had got from last night and swiped my tongue over them before sucking them harder.

I cupped his face in my hand before kissing him softly on the lips. "Harry. You're so damn beautiful," I said before kissing him again. "Sometimes when I'm watching you on stage, I get dirty thoughts about dragging your hair while fucking you hard against the wall," I whispered into his ear, knowing how turned on he gets. "Fuck me," he whispered. "Sorry, I didn't quite get that, can you repeat?" I said teasingly. "Fuck. Me." He said again. "Sorry, I.." I didn't get to finish my sentence before he pushed me beneath him and pulled off my t-shirt. "Shut up, Lou. Fuck me. Now." He said and dragged off my pants before rubbing his ass against my dick. "Mmmm," I moaned. "They are gonna hear us," I said. "I don't care, do you?" He said. "No," I said before putting my fingers inside his mouth for him to suck at them.

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