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I woke up by someone knocking constantly at my door. Me and Louis had fallen asleep in seperate rooms last night after we ate. I was supposed to go to his room later, when the other boys had fallen asleep, but then I had fallen asleep myself.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming!" I said when the knocking wouldn't stop. I put my jeans on before I opened the door. I was met by Louis and Lou staring me up and down. "You didn't think about putting on a shirt? It could've been anyone," Lou laughed. "Who cares, I got nothing to hide," I joked and flexed my muscles.

They both laughed before asking me to come to the hotel swimpool with them. I agreed and went to change into a bathshorts before I followed them outside. Louis was going behind me while Lou was going in front of me. Louis grabbed my bum without Lou noticing and gave me a kiss behind my ear.

We swam together in the pool, just chilling. Liam was out on a yatch with Sophia because it was her birthday. After a while, Zayn and Niall jumped into the pool with us.

We swam in the pool for a while before we went to our hotel room to take a shower before breakfast. Louis joined me in the shower.

The rest of the day were spent on sightseeing around in Brisbane, just having fun with all the boys.

The showday came and it went amazing. I was sharing small looks with Louis during the whole show, and shivers ran down my back everytime his eyes met mine.

When I was back at the hotel, I heard a knock on my door. I opened up and Louis was standing there with a bunch of roses in his hands. "Hey love," he said.

"What are you doing?" I asked shocked.

"These are for you," he said and handed me the roses before kissing my cheek.

"Awww, how sweet of you! How did you get them?" I asked, considering he couldn't have walked to a flowershop without getting mobbed down by fans and paparazzi.

"I asked Alberto to get them for me after the show," he said. "And while we're at it, would you like to come on a date with me? I have a car waiting for us outside. But no pressure ofcourse, it's only if you want to. You can..." I cut him off with a kiss. "Ofcourse I wanna come with you Louis!"

I found a vase in the closet and filled it up with water before putting in the roses.

"They are so beautiful," I said smiling. "Thank you so much, Louis." I kissed his temple before putting on my coat and my shoes.

We were kissing and touching eachother in the elevator all the way down to the lobby. We took a seat in the cab Louis had ordered for us. Alberto was following us in another car to keep the fans and the paparazzi away. He didn't know that we were going on a date though, Louis had just told him we were going out to eat, as friends ofcourse.

We drove to the resturant and walked in the back door to not be spotted.

The table Louis had ordered were decorated with rose petals and candles. The menu's were laying beside our dish. We took a seat each on the opporsite of eachother. Louis had reserved the whole resturant just for us, so there was no one except from Alberto, who was standing beside the door, who could see us.

A waiter came to take our order.

We ate our food while talking about everything that crossed our minds.

He took my hand in his and looked me deep in the eyes. I smiled at him and he returned the smile. I was about to kiss him over the table when I saw Alberto turning his face towards us.

I excused myself to go to the toilet, hinting for him to come after.

He followed right after and we both got inside and locked the door.

I have loved you since I was 18Where stories live. Discover now