Chapter seven

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We were sitting on the plane ready to take off back to LA. We had been flying back and forth between different countries for days now, so I was happy that we got to spend a week in LA and have a break from travelling.

Nadine met me at the hotel in LA. We went to my hotel room because she told me that she had to talk with me.

"I have to tell you something, Haz. Can you please promise that you wont be mad at me?" She said. I nodded. I've never seen her be that serious before.

"I'm pregnant," she said. The world stopped, and I swear I felt my heart stop beating for a sec. "You're... What?" I asked, shocked. "You can't be, I mean, are you serious?" I asked. She nodded her head and I saw a tear streaming down her face. I pulled her in for a hug to try to calm her. "Babe, please don't cry. We'll get trough this together, I promise. Are you going to keep the baby?" She nodded her head. "I think so, but I don't know yet. I still have time to decide, but I can't see myself taking away a baby's life," she said. "I understand babe, do whatever you feel is right, I don't want to pressure you for anything, it's your choice, just do whatever makes you feel comfortable. I'll support you no matter what," I said, holding her closer. I wanted to protect her. I knew how scared she was, and I felt guilty for cheating on her. Tears started to stream down my face too, and we cried into eachother.

"Harry?" She said and pulled away from me, looking at my face. "Do you promise you wont leave me? No matter what?" She asked. I nodded. "Ofcourse baby, I love you, I wont leave you," I said while stroking her cheek. "No matter what?" She asked again. "No matter what, babe," I said. I couldn't leave her now. Not if we were going to have a baby together. But I had to stop whatever was going on between me and Louis. I couldn't be with him if my girlfriend were pregnant. "I be right back, you'll be allright babe?" I asked, raising up from the bed. "Yeah, sure. I think I'm gonna take a nap or something," she said.


I heard a knock on the door, so I went to open it up, and saw Harry walking in. His eyes were red from crying so I knew something was up. "Louis, can I talk to you?" He said. "I really need someone to talk to, as a friend," he continued. "And I can't talk to Liam cause he'll get mad and Zayn wouldn't take it seriously and Niall wouldn't understand. You're the best friend I'd ever had louis."

It felt like it was the little 16 years old Hazza who came into my room for the first time again. He looked so innocent, and so scared, and I just wanted to hold him close and tell him that everything was going to be alright.

"Please, ofcourse love, you can always talk with me, just come, sit down," I said and patted the bed. He sat down beside me and before he managed to say anything, he broke down in my arms. I hugged him as hard as I could to make him feel safe. Hulks escaped from his mouth, and I couldn't help it but felt a tear fell from my eye too because of the hurt he felt. He was my baby Hazza after all, and it hurted like hell to see him this way.

"It's okay, babe. Whatever it is, it's gonna be allright, I promise," I said, and I meant it.

After a while, he pulled away from the hug. "Nadine is pregnant," he said. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Oh shit. I was prepeared to hear anything, but this. I didn't know what to say. I was shocked, and somewhere deep inside I felt hurt. But I knew he didn't come here for me to yell at him or tell him a morality speech. He came to get my support, and just for me to be here for him. So i would. "It's gonna be okay, Hazza. I promise," I said stroking his hair. "I don't know why I told you this, I just needed someone to talk to, you know?" He said. I nodded, "it's okay love, I'm glad you told me," I said. "But you know.. We can't keep on doing what we're doing, right? I can't do that to her anymore, atleast not when she's pregnant," he said and I felt a knife stabbing me in my heart. "I understand," I said, even though it hurted like hell. I didn't want to make a fight out of it, so he would hate me. As long as I could be close to him, that was enough. At least I thought that was enough.

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