Chapter 8

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Al was running down the dark and gloomy hallway, she pressed her back against the wall, catching her breath. The pain in her side induced more as she pulled out the knife from her side, biting her lip to hold back scream. She could hear his footsteps approaching. Closing her eyes shut she prepared for the slow, tragic death that has come upon her, but what she heard, was nothing. No growl no breath no voice. She felt a drip, drip drip of liquid on her head. She looked up and saw him on the ceiling with red dark eyes.

Al awoke from the nightmare and rubbed her eyes, tears stinging her eyes begging for a release. She felt stirring next to her and snapped her head to see Harry asleep next to her. He had no shirt and his arm was wrapped protectively around her small frame. Smiling, she pecked his head and laughed softly when he groaned in confusion.He opened his green emerald eyes in confusion then smiled as he saw Al's face. He brought her back down and hugged her. "What in the fucking hell am I suppose to do with you" he mumbled in her hair. 

Harry fell straight back to sleep afterwards but Al stayed awake. That nightmare, was the scariest thing ever to her. The last one like that was the fire and Harry didn't save her. She stiffened as she heard the door of the hotel room slowly. She closed her eyes shut, forcing herself to fake sleep. She heard two pairs of feet walk in. She felt to strong hands grab her waist and pull her back from a sleeping Harry. She opened  her eyes and screamed as they muffled it with a chloroformed cloth. Making her vision blurry then fade black.

Harry awoke to the scream on defense mode and punched one of the guys, making them fall to the floor. Harry jumped to the other side of the bed and knocked the other guy out and scooped Al up in his arms. His eyes turned to a darker green but then. He felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck, he reached behind him and pulled out a tranquilizer dart. He got up and stumbled, forcing himself to stay awake and started to walk towards the balcony. But soon falling down on his back as his vision disapeared.

He awoke with a bright light hitting his face, he couldn't see anything but that bright light. He tried to move but groaned in pain as he felt tubes and needles hooked up into him. "Are you sure the experiment is almost complete?" He heard none other then his sister Alayna. "We just need toinject him with the chemicals" Harry heard a machine start to run and felt sharp pains in his body as if something was being injected to him. He Paniced and scream and blood curdling scream catching Alayna's attention "If she wants a monster, here he is"

 Al awoke in a cold cement ground. she groaned in confusion as she picked herself off from the floor. It was pitch black in there. The dark never frightened her as much. But this time, it was different , she was scared. she found her phone in her back pocket, she turned it on and only had 10% battery 'Course' she thought as she shun it around until she found a door. She ran up to it and banged at it. "Let me the fuck out!" Al shouted but heard a echo, making her heart sink down to the ground.

Harry woke up in the office of London's police department. "Hey Harry..." Calum said steadily. Harry sat up and everyone took a step back, confusing him. He got up and groaned as his head was killing him. "How are you feeling?" Luke said walking cautiously over. "Decent, What happen?" Harry asked looking at Luke. "We found you in a Alley, beating up some guys, but something was different. Your eyes, they were red not the dark emerald green" Luke said handing Harry some water "I..." he paused "I don't remember that...But Alayna injected something into me. We need her here"

Harry waited, they were trying to put him in a cell but not trying to get him mad. He didn't blame them, he would be doing the same thing if it brought danger to anyone he cared about. 'Al? Where's Al? Where's my Al?' Harry thought, quickly scanning the room and Grabbing Agent Cliffords coat Making Cliffords eyes glance at him "Michael.... Wheres Al? Where's my Al?" Michael looked at him in confusion. " Harry you were by yourself when we found you, I will have a couple of my guys look for her ok?" Michael reassured him patting him.

Al layed back down on the cold floor and closed her eyes and shortly fell asleep. she woke up and she was in a feild wearing her old flower girl dress she wore when she was just a kid. She got up and looked around and saw nothing but flowers and grass and flowers. "Al" a familliar voice called behind her. She turned around and saw Harry in a tux. "Harry!" Al ran to him as he opened his arms and as she hugged him embracing his scent on impact her arms wrapped around his neck, his around her waist.

Harry and Al sat in the meadow, Al laying her head on his lap. the sound of the wind and birds and the comfort of her lover being right next to her made her want to go to sleep. It was a good option and almost a action until a sudden interuption. "Don't go back to sleep love, or you will wake up back in that hell hole"  Al opened her eyes and and looked at the slightly older boy looking down at her, his hair falling down as-well. "I don't want you to leave me, I need you baby"

Our Monster //H.S Punk AU #Book 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon