Chapter 3

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Ildri peered towards the men and she could see that one man had the other by the throat.  She wished she could tell what was happening, if her Saul needed help.  Then a deep voice spoke, and it was the stranger's voice who was clear and strong.  "Now, you will confess all that you have done, or so help me I will—"

Ildri barely saw Saul's arm move, and the stranger lurched and grunted as if in pain.  Ildri saw him move fluidly, and grab Saul's free arm.  Ildri could see that there was something in Saul's hand, a dagger or a knife.  She watched as the two struggled for control of the weapon.  "If this is how you want it, Saul, so be it.  There are others who will speak, if you do not want to," the stranger said and before Ildri could really understand what was happening, she heard the sickening sound as the weapon plunged into Saul.

Ildri could not prevent the sound of shock and horror that escaped her lips.  She covered her mouth to cover her grief, but it was too late.  She saw the stranger's head turn towards her, although she could not see his face through the shadows.

Did he know for certain that she was there?  It seemed that he did.  She stayed still for what felt like long moments, not daring to move for fear of confirming his suspicions.  Panic overwhelmed her.  She needed to get back to the castle.  She would be safe there.  Lord Wildwood may not be present at this moment, but others were.  She had to run and she had to get help and warn everyone about this villain.

The villain who had murdered Saul.

The stranger blocked the way she had come, so she leapt to her feet and ran the other way, into the deeper parts of the forest.  She had to find somewhere to hide.

She could hear the sound of her pursuer so she ran harder.  Ildri could barely see and nearly ran into trees.  She could no longer hear anyone behind her, so she moved more slowly.  She needed to get back to Wildwood.

She realized that she had no idea which direction she should go.  She swallowed, hard.  She was so scared and full of pain.  She had just wanted to be safe and happy, why was that so much to ask?

Ildri believed it would be hard for the stranger to find her in the darkness.  She could hide and she would be safe until it started to get light, surely.  She moved forward quietly, until she reached a fallen log.  Ildri slipped into the space beneath it silently.  Once the sun began to return, she could go back to the castle.

Ildri wanted to be back at the castle now.  Now that she was not running she could feel the same terrible pressure on her chest that she had every time she left the castle, but only a thousand times worse.  The world outside was just like when she had been small.  It was dark and scary and she was alone.

Everything good in her life had been taken away.  She wanted Saul to be safe but Saul had been stabbed by the ruthless stranger.  Like with her mother and father, there was nothing that Ildri could do for Saul now.

She could feel tears run down her cheeks.  Saul...  All her dreams of a happy life had been extinguished just like that.  She was alone again.  And it was all her fault.  If she had just been on time to meet Saul, the whole horrible incident probably would never have happened because they would have been long gone.  Saul would be alive and he and Ildri would be cheerfully planning their future.

Ildri gripped a handful of fallen, earthy smelling leaves and needles.  Was Ildri a plague that wiped out anyone she cared about?  She sniffled and wiped her face with the back of her hand.  She supposed not.  Lord Wildwood and chef and all the rest were all well, were they not?

Then there was the sound of shuffling footsteps.  Ildri held her breath, willing herself not to be heard.  The shuffling moved closer, and closer.  It could not be the stranger, could it?  There was no way for him to find her in the darkness, surely.  Ildri closed her eyes and prayed for shuffling creature to leave.

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