Chapter 51

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The next day came a distraction of a different sort. Ildri could almost feel it like a wave of rumours running through the castle. At first she tried to ignore the chattering maids outside the door.

"Whatever is going on?" Kallie asked from where she was stirring a bowl of ingredients.

Ildri was irritated. She wanted to know what was happening but there were so many potions to make. She felt ready to snap. "I wish they would just be silent! I'm trying to concentrate! How can I concentrate with all this racket!? Seriously, I—"

Maxine smiled. "Just go see what is happening, Ildri. And take the twins. You can all use a break."

"Good idea!" Damani said with a small salute as he literally ran for the door.

"Thank you," Kallie said. "Damani, stop running!"

"That boy has no patience for potions," Ildri muttered as she wiped her hands on her apron before casting it to the side. Maxine was right. Ildri could use a short break.

"He's been helpful," Maxine added.

If nothing else, Keziah had a true talent for knowing when Ildri was going somewhere. She leapt from one of her favoured perches to Ildri's shoulder. Ildri followed the twins out the door.

Ildri walked swiftly behind the twins to keep up. They went in the direction of the noise. Servants milled around trying to look casual or as if they were doing a task more important than being nosy. The twins skirted around the adults and Ildri followed in their stead. Everyone gave her a wide berth, Keziah's bites had become more famous than perhaps the reality warranted.

And then Damani broke into a flat out run and more surprisingly Kallie did the same. Ildri hurried forward to see what might make the well behaved child run.

There was a small cluster of people at the door. "Anya!" she heard both twins cry as they hurtled into their sister's arms. The Wizard Jim was standing beside her, smiling at the fray.

And as awkward as she felt, Ildri was happy to see her former friend, glad that she had not been executed, whatever her crimes. Without thinking she moved forward, through the crowd. It explained the curiosity, everyone was wondering what the traitor was doing back at Wildwood. Ildri felt a bit sorry for her. He looked mildly uncomfortable and perturbed as he glanced at the gawking crowed.

It was really sweet. And that same coveting, grasping feeling touched Ildri's heart before she pushed it away. She did not need to feel jealous of every sickeningly happy little couple that she might run into. She would find someone one day. Never mind that she probably had already found him and he was completely unsuitable.

Bloody Ty, why could he not have been born the son of a farmer or something? Of course, even if he had been there was no guarantee he would have been interested in her.

Unthinkingly her eyes scanned the crowd, looking for him even as she had walked forward.

She could hear the conversation even over the noise of the onlookers.

"Have you been behaving?" Anya asked Damani and Kallie after they loosened their stranglehold on her. Damani looked embarrassed by his show of emotion and he stood woodenly.

"We have, mostly," Kallie told her. "We've been helping Maxine and Ildri make potions."

"Maxine and... Ildri..?" Anya repeated, apparently surprised. "I thought..."

"So why didn't you tell us you were coming?" Damani asked sharply.

Anya smiled and ruffled his hair. "It was very sudden."

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