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Using his hood as a cover, he made the mare walk slowly through the village not letting anyone to notice his prescence, he leaned his body forward a little sleepy, he was exhausted and the smell of the dry sweat from his face mixed with the horse's mane made him a little dizzy.

Once he was near the limits of the town, at the north, they found a house far from the rest, a house with the chimney that was barely supported by a couple of wooden poles, the vegetation had took control of the wooden arch in the porch and a burnt sign was standing from a side, Link raised his head when noticing how the sign had been burned.

No ... No .... He placed Epona in the stable close to the house, passed a hen house and a chicken pen nearby to look for the tree planted right next to the house's entrance, where his mother was buried.

Merilia's tombstone was gone, now there were just stones; He had heard that Hateno Village had been attacked but it was only a few monsters that in a short time, were chased away almost immediately by captains and villagers, some exterior parts of the house showed some minor damage.

Apparently when the monsters retreated, they took out their fury a bit in that house that was so far from the rest..

The sign could barely read "House of Arn and Merilia"; But there was no longer a grave although the pieces were together, and someone had planted a circle of flowers around it, he noticed the buds that were just flourishing, he placed his hand to what was left, tenderly passed with his hands each part of the still-standing stone:



And w- "

He laid his hand now on the ground, there was no way to be sure immediately that the coffin with his mother inside was still buried, but he felt, he felt that she was still there, he stroked the grass tenderly before standing up and getting to the door.

While searching for his key inside the pouch he heard the lock opening from the inside, the sound stopped his heart; When the door opened he came across an old man, little platinum hair but a pronounced beard like mustache adorning his face, dressed as a blacksmith, he had a hammer in his hand in case it was someone undesirable. -The workshop is clo-

The old man's almond-colored eyes widened when he saw Link and dropped his hammer causing a thud when the tool hit the grass -Son ...- he whispered; Link was in front of the former Captain Arn.

Hello father.

He gestured, the old man was still surprised to see his son, he had not been able to attend the Champion's ceremony and the fear increased when Calamity happened, but had he didn't wrote any letter to the palace since then; He preferred to say what he felt when he had his son in front of him, Arn blindly hoped for Link to be still alive and there he was.

Arn wanted to hug him, yell at Eria who was still asleep on the top floor of the house that her brother had arrived; Six months of uncertainty in not knowing if his son was alive or dead, finally resolved.

The old blacksmith bent down to pick up his hammer, and noticed how tired was the knight, the sheen of dry sweat on his cheeks reminded him of when Link was younger, he hadn't seen him for years and now, Link almost reached his height.

-Come in son, come; it's freezing cold outside- Arn said tenderly, opening the way, while the blond walked inside; Sometimes he used to visit his son when Link voluntarily enlisted at age 10.

Arn was there, noticing how his son's voice trailed off to be replaced by hylian sign language and as a loving father he supported his decision by learning it and teaching it to Eria even when their sons were barely knew each other, it could be tell that their entire sibling's relation were built through letters.

Link walked straight inside and noticed particles of dust floating around in the dark, he began to palpate, looking for a wooden table that was leaning against the wall to one side of the door at the inside of the house, when he felt the piece of furniture, he looked for the drawers and when he found the first one he extended it finding several candles with matches.

Inside, it smelled of like an old house would do; He lit as many candles as he could and put them on wooden supports that were in the second drawer, little by little the room was lighten up before his eyes, despite the years, everything was still in place.

His father still didn't say anything more than "son" , Arn was limited to helping him with the candles, the youngest heard him go out to talk with Epona and take her saddle away while the blond fixed his gaze on the kitchen; But there was something that needed to be made first, he went upstairs silently.

There were two beds, a large one and small one; In the big one there was a girl with golden hair covered with a shawl that had patterns of the Gerudo tribe; It was Eria and the shawl belonged to their late mother.

He remembered that Merilia always used that cloth when it was cold; Inheritance of his grandmother Olute, one of the warriors of the gerudo tribe who left the city to marry and have her daughter with a Hylian knight in that same house.

Although he never knew his grandmother, she was a very wise woman according to Merilia; Olute, without knowing her predecessors, she made two gerudo sleeves that had first been destined for her son-in-law that Link actually wore proudly along with the champion's tunic.

"She has grown so much" He thought to himself, even when they just saw each other once in person when she was 4; Eria was now in charge of telling him the news about what was happening in the village through letters that he received usually in a week.

Arn descended from a large lineage of knights but learned the blacksmith trade quickly to take care of his daughter, in Eria's letters she always sounded proud of what she did, which was raising her cuccos, selling eggs, negotiating with merchants who passed by, helping his father by attracting travelers to the workshop; She grew up being much more daring and sociable than him.

He went downstairs again to work in the kitchen, lit wood in a ceramic container with a clean pot at the top and began to cook.

Flour, eggs, vanilla extract with cane sugar, fresh milk, goat butter, wheat and raspberries with honey, a mild, sweet smell began to emerge from the house's tiny spot.

When the dish was ready, he opened one of the ground floor windows to ventilate the house and placed on the main table of the dinning room a raspberry and honey cake that her mother always prepared, it had an small candle in the center with small slices of strawberry.

Link closed his eyes, remembering as he smelled the almost perfect replica of that family's recipe, he could hear his mother along with her restless steps around the house.

-Stay still Link! Link! Don't run like that inside the house! -

-Of course you can help me, I need strong arms to mix the dough-

-¡Woah, Link! Look what you found! These raspberries are perfect for the cake that we will give to daddy when he comes, I hope you don't inherit his appetite-

-come help me; You need to learn at least how to do something in the kitchen-

A throat clearing brought him out of those memories; He turned around, Arn was looking at him with crossed arms and a smile -Smells exactly like the cakes your mother used to make- Link smiled and nodded.

The creak of the stairs made them both alarmed; Eria had her hair messy, she was clinging to the gerudo shawl, her eyes were half open but her nose was moving. -It smells so good...¿What is it?- she mumbled sleepily.

Arn laughed-Your brother came back home after so many years but you only think about food, you two are definitely my children- said proudly and amused.

The girl with now eyes wide open placed her gaze on her brother who shrugged and made a gesture with his hand in greeting; Eria ran and jumped the last few steps to leap on him -¡You stupid knight! ¡We were terrified about you! ¿¡Where have you been !? - she yelled as Link caught her in his arms.

His family wouldn't let him go to bed early, the three of them knew it was still Link's birthday, the first birthday in almost 10 years finally at home.

(TENTH CHAPTER; And yes, he has a family like in the previous games, I feel like a lot of funny situations will come out from them)

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