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He stood still due to the shock while the beeps grew more and more, it was a guardian with severed legs and before the machine fired, a large hammer flew directly hitting its eye, the enemy exploded immediately; Revali couldn't move, the surprise that there were still some of those things still functioning left him paralyzed.

-I don't like guardians, not even since their discovery, those things always gave me a bad omen- Revali heard behind him, he turned to see who it was, it was Arn who walked towards him while adjusting his belt, passed aside the rito and picked up his hammer; The old man looked at him with a full smile -Hammers are not only used for smithing or breaking down old things - he commented.

"¡Look at this!, Quality time with the ol' hylian captain" thought sarcastically Revali to himself while folding the map and stowed it in his pouch.

The archer crossed his wings -I didn't need help, but I appreciate that you were close- he answered, raising his head arrogantly -Of course, if i didn't helped, the rito champion would be a roasted bird right now- Arn replied approaching as if his pride or words were something insignificant.

The archer clicked with his tongue -Well, yes, that was about to happen- he said admitting his defeat -¿Did you followed me, Captain Arn? - He asked after placing his wings behind his back, the old man denied -I was actually waiting for other workers that are about to arrive around this area, I came here because I saw how you descended so abruptly, and please, don't call me "captain", I'm already retired - answered the old man -You came here because something bothered you? - he later asked

-Not really -the rito answered in an obvious lie- ¿Are you a kind of advisor?-

-No, only that when someone becomes a father and dedicates himself to being a proper one... He can detect more things than others don't - said the old man while taking a seat on a big root that protruded from a destroyed tree in the guardian's cementery -I suppose that ... It's about my son- he commented.

Revali glanced at him- ¿Why would your son bother me?- There was no answer from Arn.

The retired captain stared at him, he had the same look as Kaneli when he discovered something Revali wanted to hide -He's just a kid compared to me- he dared to say sneaking at the cemetery, getting closer to the guardians and started looking for the pieces that were supposedly there

-I finished working on your "little task", so I'm using the dead time to look for something that princess Zelda wants- he commented while searching.

Revali remembered the colors, the patterns in the schemes that Zelda and Purah had taught them, the blacksmith spoke again -I learned a little more about the rito thanks to a hylian soldier who gave his services at Tabantha's region and is helping here, I learnt that your people are great archers and their flight is amazing, two of the many specialities of the rito - Arn began to say

The rito champion rolled his eyes as he continued searching among the guardians -And the one promoted as a champion by Hyrule's royal crown is the one that pilots Vah Medoh, the rito champion must be the fastest and most skilled rito with the bow; They told me that is required great mental and physical strength to pilot the sky's divide beast - Arn continued putting a hand under his chin

- That's right, all my life I trained to protect my people, I didn't know they were going to choose me as champion, but I'm now Medoh's pilot , I repelled armed and hoards of monsters as a simple warrior as with the divine beast- Revali answered raising triumphantly a newly found Terrako's piece to the air.

The old man seemed to put together a puzzle -But then the little boy appeared- he commented subtly -¡That's right! That boy who intruded my village attacking MY warriors and then he took that damn sword, as if everyone else didn't matter, as if my efforts were just a full mere support- Revali replied, clutching the piece around the palm of his wing.

After a few seconds he turned to see the blacksmith -Very clever, Mr. Arn- Revali commented with an irritated tone in his voice.

Arn laughed -Please put aside the formalities, i'm not used to that kind of language, not after so many years- he asked, Revali accepted sagacity as an impressive skill in the blacksmith's way of speaking.

He went to sit next to the old man -You speak like many hylian soldiers- Arn began to say looking towards the intersection of roads - "I was the best spearman in the castle until this other soldier appeared" "I was the best with the greatsword until this other guy appeared" - he said, the rito carried a wing under its beak.

-Even I, felt jealous of Link in his time- those words made Revali look at him kind of shocked-You see, Revali, people have think that their purpose open before their eyes mostly in the form of a profession, or skill, I bet that when you use your bow, you not only put your heart into it; It's the result of dedicated years filled of wounds, you applied into it so much that you resulted to be the Rito Champion; I bet the older ones sometimes makes hatred looks at you or some of them applauded and supported you- Arn said, the rito didn't speak, he let the old man continue speaking, there was a certain truth in those words.

-I come from a long family of knights, each one enlisting in the Hyrule militia, one year younger than the other, when i was a hylian captain, during trainings; Then there was my son, under 10 years old, almost perfectly imitating movements and postures of combat that my entire army took months to learn and even I had a hard time to dominate, so I had two options - Revali was absorbed in what the blacksmith was saying

- ¿What options did you had? - He asked without hiding how intrigued he was by the anecdote - Cultivate him with what i already knew, support him, help him grow ... Or plant insecurities and make him quit-

A pair of eagles flew south through above the mountains and the reddish rock formations -Tell me, ¿If I had taken the second option, if the older rito who supported you had taken the second option... Would you have been a champion right now? I'm not saying that everyone had always supported you; But, you both seem to have heard the right voices after all, right? - Arn asked.

Revali saw the sky, remembering the older warriors mostly planting insecurities in his being, even when he learned how to fly; But Kaneli, always supported him, the archer took the comments of those idiots in energy, discipline to train hard every day and become the best.

-But to be removed to a simple support ...- the rito whispered -But they would have ended the calamity without your support? End those hordes of monsters? Are you not the protagonist of your village? Are you no their support? - the blacksmith answered, placing a hand on the rito's back, giving a couple of paternal pats, Revali saw him narrowing his eyes causing Arn to cut the touch immediately.

-My point is; ¿Will you become one of the voices that sinks, or one of those that support? - he asked while standing up because at the distance a caravan of gorons, hylians and zoras could be seen -¡Hey! ¡This way! -yelled the old man, the rito saw Terrako's piece carefully, he wanted to think; He deployed his wings and by summoning a swirl of wind he flew up to the sky.

Once Revali was up there, he saw Link who came running with Arn, a sword at one hand, a shield on the other, the blond seemed extremely alarmed, the archer stared at him from the heights, the blond was gesturing alarmed to Arn while the other patted his shoulder and answered who-knows-what.

The rito champion returned to the camp, left Terrako's piece at Link's tent, above his desk along with a note "I went out a bit because I got bored, look what I found, take it as an apology for not preparing the poached fruit; You're welcome, Linky " After this, he soared to the sky again, thinking about the old man's words.

(FIFTEENTH CHAPTER; For now we know that Revali has tried to "sink" Link in the past but Grandpa Arn made him put in perspective how "assh*le" he has been with our knight, however the dumbness is not something that is cured with a single talk, I wanted to touch this topic because in part I feel that it is one of the reasons why Revali has been condescending with Link, like, imagine working hard and then someone much younger and talented than you appeared, obviously you get disconcerted, but that's life, there will always be younger or more capable people but it is a matter of one staying there trying to sink or supporting all kinds of people because only then one learns and teaches at the same time)

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