The Nanny: O8

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-Le bae (Nevaeh) in the MM

:Kobe C. Steveson:


"Why can't you do it? That is not my job" I wiggled my hands in the air

"This lil-"

"Oh hush, c'mere cutie" Ms. Packie giggled

        I smiled and she picked me up. I wrapped my long noddles or arms or whateva around her neck. 

"You spoil him too much" Daddy sighed


"You show him to much love than I can" He frowned "And you've only been here for almost a week"

"I-I'm sorry, I just-"

"Whatever, I'mma be out, aight? See y'all later" 

        He left.

"Why daddy leave?" I pouted

"I don't know," She looked down "Hey, wanna play some Scene It! games?"




"Oh! Cosmo, awww okay"

"Yes, and you is WanWan" I covered my mouth 

"Ooh, how cool"

"Very, Ms. Packet" 

"Parker, Kobe" She laughed

"Park.. Her? Who?"

"Parker, that's my last name. Parker" She shook her head

"Parker? Ms. Parker" I leaned my head over


"Heeey, don't I know you?" I looked at her "I do, I do"


"You my nanny, silly!" I slapped her forehead and smiled widely

        She snuggled me against her and we went to set up the game.

:Michael "Tyga" Stevenson:

        For almost 3 years, I couldn't even take in time for Kobe. It sucks cause I know I couldn't be the father I wanted to be. I set my standards to take care of him, but I couldn't. Niggas that work with me always put me down to do things and travel from place to place, country to country. Every time I wanted to take Kobe with me- they deny it. So I fired them. 

        I wanted to bring my son with me everywhere I go. Spend time with him like a dad should. Something my dad never did with me. Later on, I figured that I couldn't actually take care of Kobe. I could financially, but not physically, emotionally, and/or mentally. Which made me feel like shit.

        So that made me go out, find women to babysit him, guide and watch him while I'm gone. 

        Trust me, I do love Kobe- but I just don't know how to be with him at all. I guess I'm not meant to be a father type, but I know I am. I just need help. 

        His mom, Kenya, didn't want to deal with him anymore. I filed papers and documents saying I wanted custody of my child. 

        Now, for me, it's like.. Sex, sex, sex, all around, everywhere I go. 

        But once I got tired of it, I decided to take a break. Now I just go out to the studio or go over to Chris' house or August's house or some shit, not having sex with women. Not anymore. 

        I'm happy I found a person to take care of Kobe. She's just the right one, more like mother material. She treats him with love and affection- something I couldn't or can't do. But if Kobe's happy, I'm good. I love Be with all my heart, and I know he loves me too. We're stupid and funny together, that's one thing I do know. 

        But I just don't know anymore. 

"Why are you out here? Come back inside" Nevaeh walked out on the front porch

"Nah, I'm good"

"No you're not, just come back in with us. We're gonna be playing a game and-"

        I tuned her out and examined her face. Damn, she's beautiful. I love her dimples when she smiles and her full lips. Her brown eyes and her short, thick figure. Though I'm 5'7, I still gotta look down at her.

"Um, Michael?" 


"Did you hear what I said?" She asked


"Ugh" She rolled her eyes

"Hope them fuckers fall out" I chuckled

"How rude... Just...Hurtful" She placed her hand over her chest

        She got up and looked at me. She twisted her mouth, then snatched my snapback from off my head. She stook her tongue out at me and ran back into the house.

:Nevaeh M. Parker:

        I ran into the hallway and tripped over the carpet, falling to the floor.

        Go, Vae, you really out did yourself- dummy. 

"I see you fell" 

        I jumped and saw Michael towering over me. He smirked.

"Sure do love seeing you under me though"

"Was that supposed to be a sexual statement?" I questioned. He nodded "How wonderful"

"It is," He licked his lips "Now, gimme my hat back- ma'am"

        He held his hand out and I scoffed, placing his stupid, yet expensive head attire into his palm. 

"Thank you," He put it on his head, adjusting it 


        He still using Packie... Lord.

"Ooh, forreal? You ready to play?"

"Yes ma'am! How 'bout you daddy? Wanna play with us too?!" Kobe jumped up and down

"Sure, I'll play"

"O.M.G YAY!" Kobe jumped onto his waist, swinging side to side


"Nah, chill. You cheated, man" He snatched the dice out of my palm

"Yeah, cause you got skipped"

"I ain't getting skipped today, shit" He rolled the dice "12"

"12? But it only has 6 si-"

"I doubled it, see..." He pointed to his card "I get to double my roll"

"Um, that says you have to move back two"

"Eh, maybe, just not now. That's a lot of work"

"You keep cheating! That's not fair!"

"Whatchu mean it ain't? Yeah it is!"

"No! It's not!"

"Yes, it is!"

"No, i-"

"Can you guise stahp? I'm trynna nap" Kobe cuddled with the couch pillow

The Nanny || Tyga Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora