Chapter 2 - It Happened Again!

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Published on 03.03.2021

● A U T H O R ●

Aarohi looked at her reflection in the mirror and smiled in approval. As told by her mother, Aarohi came to her home early in the morning and now was getting ready for the event to be followed. If it was any other day, she wouldn't have hesitated to pick up her regular jeans-top or kurta-leggings and putting it over her. Comfort above all. But looking at how her father, mother and brother had dressed well in traditional wears she knew it won't be a good idea. So she silently went and wore the dress that her mother had chosen. She was glad that the dress wasn't heavy. It was a sky blue colour churidaar with silver embroidery on its borders and some more silver work which enhanced the beauty of the dress. The bright colour perfectly complimented her. She paired it with silver earrings and left her neck bare. Her hair were naturally straight and wavy and she liked them that way. She left her hair open that reached till her mid back before bringing a small portion over her left shoulder to the front. She was grateful that Kiara had taught her how to do her makeup when they were in high school because she didn't know the M of makeup! Just as she was about to turn, her mother entered the room and a sincere smile took over her features.

"You look beautiful," she said putting a kaala teeka behind her daughter ears.

Aarohi was taken aback. "Uhh thank you?" she answered which sounded more like a question than a reply.

"Stay in the room until I call you. They're arriving here in a few minutes."

Her mother didn't even wait for her answer and left hurriedly. Aarohi stood fazed still trying to process the happenings when the realisation hit her. Her heartbeats rose. Nervousness kicked in. No, no way! So this was all a plan. Her parents lied to her because they knew she would've never turned up if they told her the marriage proposal was for her. Gosh! She could feel herself panicking. Her mind was a mess. She didn't know what to do. She wanted to cry. She wanted to run away. She had pledged long back that she will never get married. Marriage comes with responsibilities. It requires sacrifices, adjustments, time and most importantly an another person with whom you've to share your life with. This scared her. She always saw marriage as a medium to snatch away her independence. She didn't want it, not now, not ever. She wanted to live life on her own terms, prioritizing herself, taking care and responsibilities of just herself. She couldn't go and refuse the people who were coming to meet her because that would be downright rude nor could she see the reins of her life being taken away from her. She had to face it, she had no choice right now. She tried to bring her breathing to normal. Breathe in, breathe out.

Just then her mother entered with a tray of tea cups. Aarohi raised her head and looked at her angrily.

"Listen hold this and behave yourself." She said sternly." They aren't just a prospective groom's family but Mr Akash Agarwal is also a very good friend of your father. Your father used to work for their company and now Armaan works at one of their branch. So please."

Wow! This just keeps getting better, doesn't it!?

Left with no option, Aarohi took the tray and went to the living room where everyone was seated. She kept her gaze on the floor and went towards them to serve the tea and snacks. She was pissed off. Her jaw was clenched. She didn't dare look towards anyone because she didn't want to. Hell! She just wished she could be anywhere but here.

On the other hand, Vihaan just wanted to look at her once. Since the time he had heard about her and saw her picture, she had invaded his thoughts and held his interest. She looked ethereal in the simple dress which fitted her frame perfectly. Her skin had a natural radiance to them. He desperately wanted to look into her eyes but she didn't raise her gaze even for once. She served the tea and took her place opposite him. Was she.....shy? Well she didn't seem like the shy ones. As if answering his thoughts, she raised her head slightly and looked straight into his eyes. Damn! He couldn't help but stare back with the same intensity. Her eyes travelled over his entire self for a few seconds before she focussed her attention on his parents. Her eyes still carried the fire but this time they were for entirely different reason. She almost looked irate as if trying hard to keep her emotions in check. He internally laughed at himself that how just a few seconds ago he thought that she was shy. She was anything but shy.

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