Chapter 26 - Communication

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🎶 Sham

Published on 18.05.2021

● A U T H O R ●

Aarohi knocked on Vihaan's door and turned around. Vihaan frowned when he saw her with her back facing him.

"Aarohi what's this?"

"I need to talk to you." It wasn't just a statement but a decision.

"At eleven pm?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"We used to talk daily after dinner so what's wrong with it?" She questioned back.

Vihaan sighed. "But why aren't you turning around?"

"Do you have amnesia? Weren't you the one who told me that I can't see your room? I'm following your words." Aarohi replied. "Moreover , I know you're angry with me for that day events and I don't want to upset you more." She added in a small voice.

A ghost of a smile made its way on his face which was oblivious to Aarohi. Vihaan held her by her shoulders and spun her around but to his surprise, she squeezed her eyes shut, making him amused.

What has gotten into her? He never knew that she would follow his words so religiously. And why the hell was she being so adorable?

"I'm not at all upset with you and I never was." Vihaan assured her. "You can open your eyes and even see my room."

"Are you sure?"


"100 % ?" She asked pointing a finger.

He gritted his teeth. "Yes, 100 %. If you ask me one more time, I am gonna slam the damn door on your face. Then, keep talking to yourself." He scoffed.

Aarohi slowly opened her eyes and heaved a breath of relief.

"Come inside."

Aarohi gave a look of horror to him. When she didn't move, Vihaan himself dragged her in by her hands.

Aarohi gasped when her eyes fell on the interior decor of the room. Everything was in black and shades of black. She never found black this interesting until today. His room has to the biggest one in the whole penthouse. What caught her attention was the guitar hung up on the wall.

"How's it?" Vihaan asked breaking her chain of thoughts.

"It's- it's exotic, almost erotic." Aarohi blurted out.

Vihaan's eyes widened at her words but he didn't say anything as he found Aarohi still absorbing every nook and corner of the room. He smiled as she eyed everything like a child who gets enchanted and fascinated when he sees something new and interesting.

"You play guitar?" She asked curiously touching the instrument.

"Used to, years back." He answered in a monotone. Aarohi hummed in response.

"Come in the balcony. I'll bring you your black coffee and tea for me." She turned and said excitedly.

"Why can't we talk in my room? And did you just say that you're going to make those beverages?" He enquired, surprised.

"Yes. I'm gonna make them. Over and out." She declared and then narrowed her eyes. "The person who never wanted me to see his room is now suggesting me to have a conversation here. Am I dreaming?"

Vihaan rolled his eyes. "Stop exaggerating and bring my black coffee before I change my mind."

"As you wish, your majesty." She gave him a mock salute and exited the room giggling.

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