Chapter 9 - The Truth Hurts

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Published on 02.04.2021

● A U T H O R ●

It was the engagement day, her engagement day. The first official step towards being bound in a bond named marriage for the rest of her life. It scared her. She was fine with the whole thing earlier as she knew Vihaan and her will never share anything that a normal husband and wife do except on papers and in front of the outside world which will be nothing but a pretence. Maybe it was the jitters she was feeling as the day, the moment was so close.

The engagement was going to be held at the Taj Hotel. 'Perks of getting married to a billionaire', she thought to herself. It wasn't her first time visiting it as she had already been there once but definitely having one of the most important events being held at the prestigious place was something she'd never imagined. It was going to be held around 6 in the evening and she was expected to reach there by 3 to get herself ready. It was already 12 noon. Armaan would be coming here anytime.

She was done packing her stuff as everyone, every important guest from groom's as well as the bride's family were going to stay at a hotel near the wedding hall till the wedding was done and dusted. She was glad that nobody asked for her help or opinion in all these planning because she was least interested in the marriage preparations.

Life was good. It felt good.

She went to open the door when the doorbell rang. She knew it would be Armaan. She opened the door and turned around to get all her bags and other stuffs from her bedroom. She didn't spare a glance to the person at the door.

"Armaan, thank god that you're here to pick me up. Now help me to carry all these bags and trolleys of mine and Kiara. Kiara will directly reach the venue from her workplace. It took so much time to pack-"


Aarohi froze at her place.

She hadn't encountered him in months! Then why the hell now? She gulped inaudibly before speaking.

"Get out of my house," she said coldly without turning to face him.

"Always the same attitude." He mocked. "I just came to congratulate you for your marriage."

Hearing this she turned around. Still the same. Hands shoved into the pockets, handsome looks and the charming smile that had girls swooning over him.

"Come on Bellissima, don't be surprised. You're marrying one of the richest man in the country, it has to make some news. Must say," he looked at her from head to toe which made her uncomfortable before meeting her eyes, "nice catch. I always knew you had eyes on bigger things." He smiled wickedly.

Aarohi itched to give a snarky reply but she held herself back. She knew he was riling her up and she wasn't ready to give him the satisfaction.

So she smiled. "You came to congratulate me and you did. So thank you very much. Now you may leave. The door is behind you Harsh."

He shrugged and went inside and sat on the sofa comfortably. Aarohi looked at him dumbstruck.

"That's no fun." He whined. "We're meeting after so long. Let's chat and relive the old days."

She was running out of patience and that was the limit. She stood in front of him and glared.

"Get up and get lost or else clearly tell me why are you here. Don't beat around the bush." She said gravely.

He crouched himself on the sofa and smiled contentedly. "Now we're talking some sense."

She huffed in annoyance.

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