I'm Back!!

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Ray stood in the doorway with a bowl of soup on a tray.

"Oh hey, Ray- actually no!" She cut herself off, realizing. "This is h*ll, Ray! You can't be here- wait a minute, don't tell me you died after I died... but who killed you? Was it Hitotsume? Didn't he die off?" She fired one question after another. "Ooh- that reminds me that I was supposed to have a chat with him later, since he should be here somewhere in h*ll." She realized that she had gone off topic once again. "Anyways- the thing is that even if you're dead, you're not supposed to be here, in h*ll with me. Heaven is that way or some other way, I don't know? BUT- it should be anywhere but here." She asserted, assuming that since she died and was sent to her rightful resting place, h*ll, which was supposedly this bland looking room. "Now go off to heaven already, because I don't wanna know the reason for your death." She rambled on.

He stared at her, eyes slowly widening before he started walking towards her. "Huh? Ray, go to heaven, this is h*ll, you belong there!" She reasoned on, but the boy only kept walking to her before setting down the tray on the nightstand.

Looking down on her seated figure, he raised his hand to gently brush his fingers on her cheeks before grabbing them, as if trying to check if she wasn't just some hologram or something.

"A-ay?" (R-Ray?) She muttered, surprised at the sudden attack on her cheeks.

He continued to hold onto her cheeks, playing with them, all the while ignoring the girl. It was like if he let go of them, she'd disappear. But then he stopped suddenly, the girl getting more and more confused by the minute...

And then he quickly brought her face to his chest before wrapping his arms around her. He nestled his face on top of her head and the girl's face went red. She didn't mind him hugging her, but this was Ray, the guy who's so awkward about doing things like this; she was surprised, to say the least.

"[Y/N]..." He sighed in relief.

Still she wrapped her arms around him, though kept it a bit loose.

His heart beats were rather slow when compared to her irrationally fast heart beats. But the boy's heart beats were gradually increasing in speed, chasing after hers.

As if the girl hadn't nearly passed out by now because of this that was happening, Ray sat down on the bed, his hold still tight and warm on her, and he nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck, taking in her scent before exhaling. His warm breath made the girl shiver as she sat there still and stiff.

With his spiky yet soft hair tickling her a bit, he mumbled into her neck. "You're not dead. We're back at the shelter, and Goldy Pond was destroyed."

The girl took in the information even though it was a bit hard being groggy.

"...But you almost died, because you're just the idiot that you are."

She swore she could already see that smug face of his. The blush on her cheeks now started to wear off now that Ray was getting back to being the snarky little b*tch he is. "Just when I thought you were being nice to me..." she mumbled.

She felt him sigh against her neck, once again sending shivers through her body. "You're alive...." He mumbled, as if that simple fact was hard to take in even if it was what he had been wishing for the past month. His arms squeezed her one last time before loosening up. He stayed like that, just breathing in her scent for a minute or two, before removing his face from her neck and looking at the pink-cheeked girl.

He stared right into her eyes as she stared back, even though her mind was urging her not to. '[Y/N]! TAKE YOUR EYES OFF OF HIM! LOOK AWAY, YOU IDIOT!!!' But her gaze kept itself fixated on his. 'I can't.' Those olive green eyes captivated her. 'LOOK AWAY, GODDAMMIT! HOW HARD CAN THAT BE?!' Her inner voice scolded. 'You try it, then!!' She was having a debate with herself on the inside. 'YOU? WHO? WE'RE THE SAME PERSON!!!'

Curious (Ray x  Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat