Hey, can I touch it? It seems deadly!!

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The girl's eyes opened slowly as she took in her surroundings and her brain started to remind her what of happened before she fell unconscious. The sudden realization made her gasp and sit up abruptly.

'Is Ray alright?! Was I captured?! Did he make a run for it?! What-' her eyes caught sight of the boy laying on another sheet that was on her right.

The girl quickly stood up and ran over to him but not before stumbling because of her sore legs. She grabbed onto his hand, the warmth in his hand and his calm breaths put her at ease.

"You emo, you scared me." she whispered as her hands enveloped his hand before settling it down gently and observing her surrounding which looked like a cave while there was a lamp that glowed beautifully in blue.

'Where are we now? We just end up being in different places all the time. Maybe we'll meet our siblings here just like the last time with... what was that again? Snakes of Alpavinera? Or... you know what? It doesn't matter, I'm just never gonna be able to learn that goddamn name... But I do hope the others are fine...' thoughts swirled through her mind once again as ranted to herself like the maniac she is. 'I need to get a hold of this situation, what time is it? How do we get out of here?' she picked up the lantern like object and started to walk around. 'Sh*t maybe both of us got captured...' negative thoughts swarmed over her as she felt shiver run down her spine 'No! It'll be alright, it's gonna be fine!'

she wandered around until she stumbled upon something that she thought she would never see again "Em!" she hurriedly settled down beside the unconscious girl's side and was relieved to see her safe and sound. She gently caressed her soft cheeks 'Maybe the others are here as well... Wait a minute... does that mean she got captured too?! Oh no! Oh god, oh god, oh god... What should I do?!' she panicked once again, forgetting that the first step for handling a situation is to NOT panic and yet here she was, freaking out like crazy.

"You're awake!" the hooded woman said

"Y-yeah, thanks, woman I don't know..." The girl said as she was shocked and weirded out by the woman's sudden appearance and concerns.

The woman giggled at the what the girl said before saying "Oh my, I didn't introduce myself, how rude of me! I'm Mujika, pleased to meet you."

"I'm [Y/N], nice to meet you." the girl said out of courtesy

'She doesn't seem some kind of a savage. She's kind actually... Maybe she's associated with Mr. Minerva!'

"Do you know Mr. Minerva then?" the girl asked

"Minerva?" the woman asked back as she heard the name for the very first time.

'So she's not affiliated to him... but that implies that there are more human societies outside and we stumbled upon one of them! There's so much I want to ask her about!'

"Um... Mujika, do you know where my other siblings are? They should have been with that girl over there." the girl pointed at the unconscious ginger head.

"Oh, they're safe, I'll take you to them, if you like..."

"Sweet! I mean thanks..." she slightly bowed her head to show her gratitude while the woman giggled once again

'She has such a sweet voice and her giggles are so cute!' the girl blushed a bit.

"You're so well mannered, but you can be frank with me, I won't mind." a smile appeared on her lips.

'I wonder what she looks like under that hood...' the girl stared at the woman, her imagination going wild as she tried to come up with a face based off the woman's serene and sweet voice.

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