What the heck?!

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"I'm really hungry today!" [Y/N] said

"I think, I'll end up eating almost everything on the table." Thoma said

"Just make sure that whatever you eat can be classified as food." [Y/N] giggled

"Of course, [Y/N], I'm not an idiot!" Thoma retorted.

"Yes, I know, after all it takes a big brain to be able to cause all the trouble and pull pranks." [Y/N] said with a smile.

"I don't think that counts as a compliment, [Y/N]." Anna whispered but [Y/N] just snickered as Thoma actually took her comment as a compliment.

"I have a big brain as well right, [Y/N]?" Lani asked

"Of course you do!"

"Bigger than Thoma's?" Lani asked again

"Hm... that's difficult to tell." she mumbled

"Of course, I'm more intelligent!!" Thoma proclaimed

"And how do you know that?" Lani snarled

"Boys...! How about a little competition to decide who's smarter?" [Y/N] jumped right in the middle of their conversation.

"Yeah!" both agreed in unison

"The one who eats most greens will be the winner." [Y/N] winked 

"Okay!" they said in unison

"I'll beat you to it!" Thoma said

"Not, if I get inside the dining hall first!" Lani said and started running

"Oh... you're on!" Thoma ran after him

"[Y/N]... I think you've turned into a more manipulative person..." Nat mumbled "Just like Ray."

"Is that so? All these years, trying my best not to let his personality rub off on me... all that effort... wasted!" [Y/N] whined

"But if they are eating their greens, there is nothing wrong with it, right?" Anna said

"I guess so... But it would creepy if even his emo traits rubbed off on me." a shiver ran down her spine while the other two chuckled.


Going back inside the house as the sun was about to set, [Y/N] was successful in keeping her hand injury to herself. She had earlier washed her hand but didn't apply any ointment to it.

'I'll treat it after everyone's asleep.' she thought as she carried two jugs, one in each of her hands. But this didn't mean that she didn't feel any pain, she winced every once in a while but she made sure that no one saw her. She didn't want to worry anyone.




'Oh crap! I'm supposed to clean the dishes today... Why? Just why...?' she sweat dropped as she walked towards the sink. She rolled her sleeves up and heaved a sigh but then realized something... 'Isn't Ray supposed to wash the dishes with me? Oh no!' she facepalmed and winced as the pain in her hand was back once again.

"So what stupid stuff did you do this time?" asked an oh so familiar voice which made [Y/N] dart her eyes to the emo who had been on her nerves the whole day.

'This guy... again.' she scrunched up her nose.

"And why does that concern you?" she snarled as he rolled up his sleeves.

"Oh! Are you gonna bite me now?" he asked

"Hah! I just had a delicious dinner, I don't want to ruin the taste in my mouth." She stuck her tongue out at the boy before turning the tap on.

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