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Rouge stood on the doorstep of the Angelus family home. It was a huge red brick house with large tower-like structures on either side and a huge oak door in the centre at the top of some worn stone stairs. It was an intimidating building and she felt a shiver run over her, she could feel death clinging to the place. The locals had seemed a bit cagey about the family when she'd asked for directions. She could have just peeped through mirrors till she found them but it was a bit rude to just crawl into someone's home, not to mention a really good way to get herself killed. Pulling her hood up about her face and checking her veil was down to shield who she was, she clutched the small mirror concealed in her pocket and pulled the bell. After several moments the door swayed open and the dwarven butler who'd told her Raphael had left stood before her.

"May I help you, madam?" He spoke with a professional and polite tone but she could see his eyes searching behind her. Women as well dressed as Rouge May did not travel alone and never rang doorbells themselves, they waited in carriages while their servants knocked and handed over a business card.

"I'm looking for Raphael." She pulled the veil aside so he could see her face.

Winston stepped aside to let her in and closed the door.

"Madam, I am afraid Master Raphael has not returned home since he left Venice." Rouge looked disappointed

"But that was months ago." The butler nodded and gave her the kindest smile she'd ever seen. The way it wrinkled the skin about his brown eyes made him look like a kindly father or uncle.

"Master Raphael has always been somewhat of a free spirit my lady, he has disappeared before without contact."

"How long might he be gone for?"

"The longest was nearly seven years, Miss." her face fell and she felt tears prick at her eyes

"If Miss does not mind someone as humble as myself saying. You look exhausted. Please come in and allow me to get you some food and a safe bed for the night." The way he said safe made her think he knew more about her than she felt comfortable with.

"Safe?" She was sure the dwarven man blushed under his heavily braided mahogany beard.

"If Miss does not mind me saying, young women do not usually hide their faces beneath heavy veils unless they do not wish to be seen. A family as wealthy as yours could afford you many servants to take care of your needs but you travel alone and unattended. Forgive my forwardness, Miss. It is purely an observation" Rouge couldn't help but like this odd obviously half-breed dwarf for reasons, she couldn't put her finger on.

"If Madam would allow it I will set up the dining room and bring you a meal." Rouge did feel safe with this odd little man as he looked at her with his kind eyes.

"How about you take me down to the kitchen and fix me some bread and cheese and we talk there? And please call me Rouge May or just Rouge." Winston bowed his head to her and took her cloak and veil as she removed them to reveal her plain black velvet dress.

"Very good, Miss Rouge." He bowed to her and turning showed her the way. If there was one thing Winston knew it was a good person, he'd quietly made inquiries with the other serving staff. The high-ups often forgot about the staff and that they knew everything. He found out a lot about the beautiful Witch with melancholy eyes. The rest he'd worked out for himself and seeing her now he was rather sure his working out was right.

"Can I ask your name?"

"Winston, Miss Rouge." She couldn't help but quirk a small one-sided smile. He wasn't all dwarf but he definitely had their sense of propriety. Maybe if she'd ever felt she could trust anyone she would have hired a dwarven butler. But that was too much trust for her to place in anyone.

The Angelus Brothers Chronicles  - The Red WitchWhere stories live. Discover now