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Raphael, Duncan and Robert strolled through the trees quietly. All three men had similar characteristics, they could all be as loud and rowdy as a classroom full of drunk students or as silent as the tomb. Robert stopped just after the tree line finished. They were in a large grassy clearing with trees on all sides.

"This is where I was talking about, it's private but not too far from the village if you wish to join us for meals. You can fell any trees you need to build with and you've plenty of space for a cottage, stable and even a small garden if you wanted. We have plenty of seed back in the storehouse." The vampire looked at the older wolf then his friend.

"I don't know what to say. Your kindness is overwhelming." Duncan slapped him on the back.

"Do nay be daft. You've worked hard while you've been here, I've never seen anyone plough a field as quickly as you did." Robert smiled at him.

"Everyone deserves some peace in their life lad. The Gods know your family has been dealt a bad hand. If this bit of unused land can bring some peace to your soul then please, be our guest, build your home and live how you choose."

Raphael felt himself start to tear up and looked away. He'd never known such kindness since coming to this Isle, they lived such quiet lives, farming, trading with each other for the skills they lacked. There was something so peaceful about sitting around the cooking pit after a meal while the women sewed or told stories to the children and the men played games or worked on projects. Raphael loved carving wood and the wolves had fallen in love with his little figures. Many of the Mothers had already offered him trades for the cottage he would build in exchange for winter solstice gifts for their children.

"Thank you." Was all the vampire was able to say. Duncan cleared his throat.

"Why don't I go and get some tools and axes while you decide where to build your cabin?" With that, the two wolves left Raphael to gaze longingly at the isolated clearing.


Straightening from placing a twig on the ground he heard Duncan approaching and looked down at the brief plan he'd laid out with sticks off the ground in the centre of the clearing.

"I think I'll build it here with a lean too for Areion just there." He pointed to the left of him.

"It looks good. A cosy little cottage, perfect for two." At the female voice, Raphael spun around to find Bryn standing behind him.

"I thought you were Duncan." He said uncomfortably. The she-wolf had shown interest in him from day one, she was pretty with a strong firm body, tawny hair and bright amber eyes. Before meeting his witch Raphael would likely have found her very appealing, but now he couldn't feel anything but pity for the obviously lonely wolf. She grinned at him and placed a hand on his chest.

"Maybe your lonely little cabin will need a woman's touch?" Her seductive tone made him wish he could choose this attractive willing woman to settle down with until she found her fated mate. But since seeing Rouge May his body couldn't react to any woman no matter how much he might wish to take solace in their arms.

"Bryn... I...."

"Bryn? You harassing the poor lad again?" Duncan strolled up and dropped the sack he was carrying on the ground, fixing her with a look. His tone was friendly but his expression said for her to leave.

"I was just having a look." She answered sheepishly as she drew her hand back from the vampire's chest quickly and began to leave the clearing. They watched her disappear into the trees but didn't speak till they could no longer hear her moving in through the undergrowth.

"Duncan, I'm sorry. I've kept away from her as much as I can. Maybe I shouldn't stay."

"It is not your fault our Bryn is lonely and you're the only single man on the Isle she can try to pair with. I feel for her but she's not the only wolf in the pack without a Mate. You've been nothing but polite with her, it's not on you that she wants a mate." He looked down at the sticks on the ground.

The Angelus Brothers Chronicles  - The Red WitchWhere stories live. Discover now