|| Part IV ||

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You felt the blood rushing to your face. You immediately looked away from him so he wouldn't see your flushed face when he opens his eyes.

You're heart is beating so fast, you barely hear your breathing. If you answer yes, would it creep him out? What if he only likes men and he's just testing you? If you answer no, you clearly don't wanna fuck this up. What if he really likes you too?

You felt teary from the anxiety you are feeling but you really don't wanna  take a long time to answer or else things will get awkward.

"Mmmm, I guess? I mean, Kiji-san is a very sweet and caring person. You have good looks too which is a bonus. Anyone who wouldn't want to date you is missing out," you said in a joking way but Kiji probably didn't notice your tone because his face stayed the same.

"So you want to date me?" he asked rather seriously.

"Huh? I didn't say that..." you said confused.

"You said anyone who doesn't want to date me is missing out. Knowing you, [Y/N], you're definitely the type of person who doesn't wanna miss out, amiright?"

Your eyes widened with shock, you started punching yourself in your mind for saying such thing. Your anxiety started rising up and now you just wanna disappear. Thankfully, he hasn't opened his eyes yet.

"Uhhh...uhmm... I dont know... " You started freaking out. You just wanna get out of here because the awkwardness is making you feel uncomfortable. Tears are forming in your eyes but you're preventing from crying. "I- uhmmm... gotta clean your desk since it's almost work time again,"

You hurriedly removed his head from your lap and changed it with a stack of paperworks in folder. You stood up and grabbed all the dishes and threw the trash in the bin. Kiji opened his eyes but instead of seeing your face, your back was already infront of him.

"[Y/N]..." Kiji called. "I lo-"

Kiji was about to say something when you accidentally let go of the teacup that he was using before.

"Agh, fuck," you cursed under your breathe. "Im sorry, Kiji-san. Im gonna clean this up," you said and then grabbed a dustpan.

You were supposed to sweep the debris but you remembered building 4 borrowed your broom so you have no choice but to pick it up.

"[Y/N], no!" He shook your hand away from the broken glass and dragged you away from it. "You shouldn't pick  the broken glass with your hand! You're not even wearing any gloves!"
He shouted at you.

You just lowered your head because you felt embarrassed and you don't wanna get scolded anymore. You closed your eyes as you breath deep to calm yourself down. You're shaking on the inside and feeling really scared. You feel really down as a guard of Building 3. Being that stupid and doing it infront of your superior and most importantly, your crush. How embarrassing...

"I'm sorry... " You whispered.

"[Y/N], I'm sorry I yelled at you," Kiji, who is now pinning you against the wall, apologized. "I was gonna tell you something," he said as he starts caressing your hair.

You looked at him and you see his eyes, looking at you differently. Not the usual eyes that looks at you everytime you go to work together, laugh together and eat together, no. It was the eyes of someone looking at their beloved, the eyes that wants to monopolize you. But you really don't wanna assume anything so you just stayed silent.

He slid his left hand on your waist and the other grabbed your chin.
You couldn't believe what's happening. You think that this is all a dream so you just closed your eyes, hoping that when you open it back up, you'll be back in the real world. But instead of 'waking up' you felt a pair of hot lips on yours.

You opened your eyes, still hoping that this was all a dream, but now, you see Kiji's face close to yours, eyes closed. You then closed your eyes too to feel his warm lips.

A Requited Love (Kiji Mitsuba x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now