|| Part V ||

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It was the next day after Kiji kissed you and you're still in disbelief.

You're getting ready for work and choosing an outfit that looks really nice. Since it was already a habit that you and Kiji go to work together, you can't help but feel the awkwardness and anxiety already. You managed to shake it off and just plan to pretend thet everything's okay and there's nothing to be awkward about.

You were preparing your items and some work you did last night to bring in the building when you heard a knock on the door.

You aren't expecting anyone and it'd be impossible if it's Kiji because he would always take his sweet time doing his makeup and outfit.

When you opened the door, you see an unfamiliar man with the same figure as Kiji. You scrunched up your forehead, confused by who it is. You don't remember having a new guard in any building.

"Uhhhm, excuse me? I think you got the wrong room?" You asked the man and was about to close the door. He blocked it, looked at you and smiled.

"Oh darling, it's me, your beautiful superior," You looked at him once again, still looking confused and then realized it has the same voice as Kiji.

Your eyes went wide with shock. You grabbed him inside of your room and sat him on your bed.

"Ki... ji... -san. What the fuck? What happened to your makeup? Your hair? What's happening? Is there gonna be an apocalypse very soon?" You asked very fast.

"No, dummy hahahaha. I just thought I'd change it up a bit. I temporarily dyed my hair with black, it'll go away tonight once I shower," he said then smiled.

"But I thought you aren't comfortable with not wearing makeup and dying your hair black."

"Yeah, I guess I just felt like going out of my comfort zone once in a while."

"I see. Should we go now? Or do you want to get ready for everyone to see you like that?"

"Nah, everyone here has seen me not wearing makeup and with black hair once, except your batch."

You just nodded and proceeded to do your packing.

You arrived at your building and went straight to your work. Kiji didn't seem to be uncomfortable in his current style so you didn't overthink about it.

"[Y/N], I'm going to the cafeteria for a bit. Can you please check the paper I did and see if I did something wrong or I forgot to sign?"

"Yeah sure, no problem" you said and went to his table. He nodded and went out.

After 30 minutes of checking, you're now sure that he didn't do anything wrong and arranged the papers. You felt snacky but you didnt want to leave the office while Kiji is out so you decided to wait for a while.

10 minutes of waiting and he's still not back so you just went out to grab a quick snack.

While walking to the cafeteria, you hear a noise coming through the storage room which is strange because you don't think someone's there at this time but you still went inside to check. You opened the door
and turned on the lights to see better.

Things couldn't get any more strange when you see Kiji curled up in the corner like a ball. You immediately rushed to him and sat beside him.

"Kiji-san?" You gently called him.

"[Y/N], why are you here? How'd you-"

"I was going to grab a snack when I heard a noise here on the way to the cafeteria so I decided to check. Are you okay? As I thought, you're not comfortable, are you? You made it seem like everything's okay bjt it's not." You reached your hand to him and held both of his hands.

"I'm sorry, I lied. [Y/N], I have something to tell you. I love you. Not just as co-workers or a friend but romantically."

It didn't shock you. You knew it since yesterday and you couldn't stop thinking about it even when you were with him on the bus. You love him too. So much.

You hugged him and whispered, "I love you too." You faced him again and kissed him.

"To be honest, [Y/N], I did this so you can see me in a more manly manner. I was just so insecure that I might not deserve you because I'm like this." He cried. You grabbed his neck gently and laid his head on your chest.

"Kiji-san, I love you because you're you. Please remember that. You don't have to do anything to win me over. I was already yours when I met you. You're a great person who cares for his subordinates and I like that so much about you." You said and laid your lips on his hair.

Things went silent but it wasn't awkward. You both stayed in that position for a while and embraced each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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