Chapter 6. stranger

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Sebastians POV

Everyone clapped and Sebastian felt some pressure off of him. He noticed one person in particular, the same lady he had seen early that day. He smiled and her and noticed she immediately turned away. What he didn't notice was the way Elizabeth's eye followed him to her and scowled when recognizing the face of Willow.

Willow's point of view
"He's the prince?!" She stated almost recoiling in shock. Willow instantly regretted her 'informal' tone she had with the prince earlier, for all she knew if he saw her the prince could have her put to death.

"Darn it all." Willow whispered under her breath. Of course with her luck she would end up meeting the one person who had the most power in the country. Looking beside him she felt the harsh stare of Lady Elizabeth. "What's her problem" Willow thought to herself while having a weirdly placed feeling in her stomach. Though Elizabeth seemed innocent her glare seemed to hold a more sinister view.

A slow classical song filled the room within mere seconds and she found herself on a crowded dance floor.

"Good evening my lady." A tall, skinny, and fairly attractive man said as he approached her. Willow instantly moved her head from Elizabeth to the stranger. He was out of place with long white hair that made it apparent that he was a foreigner.

"And a good evening to you stranger, can I be of assistance?" Willow said not wanting to gain attention of people around her. She shifted her weight onto her other leg and fiddled with the hems on her dress.

"Why am I acting like this," Willow thought to herself. She was fairly confident when talking to strangers and even when talking to the King himself, yet this man made her feel a way that was absurd.

"I noticed you from a far staring down Lady Elizabeth and knew I needed a dance from you." He said while his grey eyes stared her down.

"I wasn't staring at her!" Willow said a tad bit loud and two or three people stared at them.

He smirked at her seeing right through her, "oh of course Lady Willow, may I get an answer for the dance."

Willow coughed at her outburst, she wasn't use to people calling her out and didn't want to be either. "If we must." The stranger held out his hand and she reluctantly put her smaller hand into it. He quickly pulled her into him and Willow did the tiniest gasp.

"If I might ask stranger, what brings you to this kingdom. I recall that this event was for the higher ups of this land, seeing the color of your hair makes me believe you aren't from here." Willow said trying to deduct him while also dancing. He seemed impossible to read compared to her servants, it intrigued Willow to the fullest degree.

"You are right," he said in a soft tone, "I am not from this country. Let's just say I know the royal family closely and got an invitation."

"He must be one of the Kings foreign associates" Willow came to conclusion of. The stranger spun Willow and pulled her back to him.

"Now I get a question." He said with a smirk and flirtatious expression. "How old are you?" He asked her not skipping a beat.

She blinked.

That was the question he decided to ask. " I am 19." She said hesitantly answering his question.

"Oh, okay." He said and they glided across the ball room.

"Wait is that all?" Willow said, she had asked him a question that could be seen as personal and all he asked was a age question.

"What else would I need to ask?" The stranger said in a confused tone. She felt like a fool for questioning him and not remaining her cold hearted facade.

" Oh nothing, ignore that." She said while laughing it off awkwardly. He joined her awkward laugh and they moved on in conversation.

"I must say you have surprisingly flawless dance skills." Willow said. Each country has its own unique dancing style and the fact he knew Tewe's so well meant he knew more about this land than he let on.

"Did you expect me not to?" He asked her.

"Not exactly, I didn't expect you to know much about our customs in dancing." Willow said honestly.

"I know much more about this place than dancing my lady." He said joking around, yet this didn't entirely feel like a joke.

"Oh?" Willow questioned, "would you care to let me in on some things you know?"

The stranger dipped her slowly, "There's one I know quite well..." He whispered into her ear, "and it's something to do with the disappearance of your father."

Willow popped up from the dip suddenly feeling aware of everything around her. How did he know about her father? What did he know? It suddenly dawned upon her... he knew her name and she had not even introduced herself.

"Wh-who are you!?" Willow said trying to back away from him. He held her tightly and didn't let her move and she felt something sharp on her back.  

"Don't be so alarmed my lady, we were just getting to know each other." He said with a sinister grin.

"Let me go this instant before I scream." She said threateningly, it was not on her plan that night to be dancing with some hot crazy dude.

"My my, try that and that knife I have on your back with go right into your spine." The stranger said. She cringed at the thought of being impaled by a knife and didn't move a muscle.

He moved her to her side and announced, " Well it is an honor to see you, your lordship. " The stranger said with hate spitting from his words. The crowd had instantly went silent and turned toward the commotion.

"Darn it all." Willow whispered under her breath.

Omg I finally updated. I had an amazing playlist in the background that kept me focused and finally finished this chapter. Comment what you think about the stranger and what he knows about Willow's dad.

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