chapter 7. the rightful heir

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Willow POV

Willow eyes shifted from the stranger onto Sebastian watching his face light up in confusion. Sebastians gaze changed and focused on her and his eyes squinted. He started to walk towards them before being interrupted by the stranger.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you." The stranger announced, "you see I have a knife on her back, and if any of you get closer I might just-" he then gestured with his unoccupied hand a motion suggesting her back being impaled. The stranger tilted his head as if beckoning anyone to challenge him.

Willow felt her heart speed up and her legs almost gave up. With her luck of course she ran into a psycho. Her mind almost flashed through thoughts of her family and friends, there is no way she would allow herself to die here. She regretted skipping out on the self defense classes her mother enrolled her in, Willow thought she would never run into dangerous situations, but she also thought her father would never die while she was young. Guess she thought wrong. Tears started clouding her vision and she looked toward the prince, praying that he would get her out of this situation. It was ironic, the son of the man she wanted to ruin was perhaps her only chance at survival.

"Stop, you need not to bring a innocent woman into this. If your issue is with me than you take it up with me. Leave others out of it." The prince said appearing confident, but Willow could see the hesitation in his eyes.

The stranger laughed at his statement, "Innocent? Do you know who this woman is? Ladies and gentlemen this is Willow Naverne, the most self-righteous, insincere, and unreliable person you could meet."

"Ouch," Willow thought in her head. To threaten her life and now call her those offensive words. Some
might call that a double-homocide. Usually name calling doesn't affect her in the slightest, but the have her potential murderer say... yeah it hurt.

"Either way, I am making demands here." The stranger said in a annoyed sort of tone. "I want to announce to the people that the 'King' you have here is nothing but an imposter."

"Yeah because we will totally believe a man who is currently threatening someone." Willow said under her breath. The audacity of this man, to first threaten her life, speak on her father, then to put such blatantly false information out there.

Sebastian growing pale from the accusations responded not as confident as before, "What you are saying is not true in the slightest. I am my fathers first and only child and the right successor to him. Who is the rightful successor that you claim to be king?"

The stranger continued on, "You may have fooled the Kingdom of Tewe, but know that the Kingdom of Hildegarde will not tolerate your lies." The whispers among the crowd grew as people wondered if this meant war. "We will expose the truth and place the true king where he belongs." With those words an abundance of what seem to be smoke filled the ballroom.

Willow felt the knife leave her back, but she stayed in her frozen state in fear of what might happen if she ran. She closed her eyes and ran what just happened in her mind and was left even more confused. The stranger knew what happened to her father. She knew the royals were connected to her fathers death, but she never expected the Kingdom of Hildegarde to be apart of the matter either.

After standing still for what felt like an hour she felt warm hands grab her arm. She shrieked and jumped away out of fear it was the stranger attempting to finish her off.

Opening her eyes slowly, she was met with the nut brown eyes filled with worry. The Prince.

"My Lord, I-" Willow tried to begin, she couldn't find any words to say to man. She nearly almost died. How was she suppose to compose herself. She stumbled a bit over her legs as she realization hit her. Vomit grew from her stomach and she ran to the nearest waste bin.

Well that's one way to have a memorable ball.

Thanks for reading this chapter. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I will try to be more consistent (•̀ᴗ•́)و Until next time!

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