4. A Mistake

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His lips were surprisingly soft on mine and I leant back after a few seconds.

Y: 'Luke...'

L: 'Theres a reason I asked to meet infront of the janitors cupboard'
He takes my hand and we cross the hall to the janitors cupboard. He opens the door, pulls me in and closes it. Its pitch black and I squeeze his hand. He knows I hate the dark and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

L: 'Dont worry, you can still see the light through the sides of the door'

I nod and he bends downa sn picks me up. He leans my back onto the wall and puts his hands on my thighs. He leans forward and kisses me again. I smile and kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck and a few minutes later he pulls back.

L: 'I'm sorry,'

Y: 'Its fine, let's go to class now'

Luke nods and opens the door. He looks at you and smiles as my eyes adjust to the brightness.

L: 'Come on we got spanish'

I nod and we walk to Spanish.

Y: 'So what's our excuse for being late'

L: 'You had a stomach ache and I waited outside the toilets for you'

I nod and we enter the classroom.
Everyone looks at us and Miss Freshman points to our seats.

MF: 'So why are you two late?'

S: 'This will be interesting'

I smile at Savannah and look back at the teacher.

Y: 'Cramps, Luke waited for me outside the toilets cause he didnt wnat me to be left alone'

MF: 'Have you had any paracetamol for them?'

Y: 'No, I dont have any on me, plus my parents tell me to just deal with it and it doenst hurt that bad'

MF: 'Ok, well get out your textbooks and go to page 71 and 72'

I nod and get my GCSE textbook out my bag. I fill in the questions and feel eyes on my back. While doing my questions, all I can think about and feel is Luke's lips on mine. At one point, it feels so real i have to touch my lips. We get out of French and Luke taps my shoulder.

Y: 'Yeah?'

L: 'You almost blew our cover'

Y: 'How?!'

L: 'We said stomach ache not cramps'

Y: 'Cramps would have been more believable'

L: 'And what's this bullshit about your parents not letting you have paracetamol for cramps?!'

Y: 'Its why I'm always round your when I'm on my period. We all know I'm more emotional and I cry all and they hate it so'

L: 'Alright, meet in the canteen cause I got engineering,'

Y: 'Yeah, see you soon'

He goes down the corrider and o tujr around and see Olivia there.

Y: 'Hey Olivia'

She turn around smiles.

O: 'Hey! What you got then'

Y: 'Pre calculus,'

O: 'God why on earth did you pick that?!'

Y: 'You were literally there when we had to somehow unsubmit my option form cause my parents filled it out with the really hard and shitty lessons I hate, plus we couldn't take off pre calculus and I hate it. Definitely gonna fail that GCSE'

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