9. Parents

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Blairs parents.

Y: 'Didnt think you were welcome here'

Her mom rolls her eyes.

BM: 'Where is your mother'

Y: 'Out'

BM: 'Your father?'

Y: 'With her'

BM: 'Why arent you wearing any clothes, especially around Blair its extremely inappropriate for a boy and a girl your age t-'

I roll my eyes.

Y: 'Your forgetting this is my house, plus Blairs not here so'

BD: 'What do you mean shes not here?!'

Y: 'Want to hear it in Spanish? Ella no està aquì'

BD: 'Where is she'

Y: 'Beach with my sister'

I raise my voice slightly so the girls can hear and go along with the lie.

BM: 'And you just let her leave?!'

Y: 'Cant force her to stay can I? Right now leave or I'll get security'

BD: 'Your not getting away with this,'

Y: 'Get away with what? Now leave'

I slam the door in their faces and sigh. The door bangs again and I reluctantly open it.

Y: 'I'm not joking when I say I'll call the police'

BM: 'I want to search'

I snort.

Y: 'Good luck getting through the door, SECURITY INTRUDERS'

BD: 'We arent intruders! We are Blairs parents-'

Y: 'Can you ecsort them off the premises please? And make sure all the team are notified so if they are spotted on the property they re to be escorted off immediately, I'll get my parents to authorise it'

The guard nods and 2 more appear behind him. They drag them off the property while Blairs mom screams. I chuckle as I watch and close the door, thanking the security team. I run back upstairs to Blair and Olovia and smirk at them.

B: 'Oh god what did you do, all we heard was my mom being angry and yelling'

Y: 'Had them escorted off the premises cause they were annoying me, your gonna be in alot of trouble tonight when you go home'

O: 'She doenst have to go home, she can sleep over in my room! Just say your sleeping over at Olivia's and they wont know they mean me!'

I laugh at her.

Y: 'Yeah, just pretend to be sleeping in her room and you can just chill with me'

She giggles and nods.

B: 'Right I'm going out now, I'll be back later'

Y: 'Be safe, call if you need anyth-'

The sound of Blairs other phone went off. She went over to it and laid on my bed and sighed at who it was.

B: 'Shit the location on this phone can't be turned off, they know its here'

Y: 'Right, dont answer it. Pretend you left it here and your not actually here. Put it on silent too'

She nods and puts it on moment and let's it ring out.

B: 'I'm gonna get hurt when I go back'

I see tears forming in her eyes. I go over to her and untie my already loose towel from my waist. I lay next to her and wrap her arms around her, saying nothing. She silently wraps hers around me and lays her head on my chest. I gently stroke her hair and I can see shes trying to discreetly suck her thumb. She does that when shes really sad or upset so I don't mention it.

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